I recently started using Sketchbook (previously just Photoshop) and the program appears to be fairly easy to pick up. However, despite looking up a number of search terms and reading charts of hotkeys, I have yet to find ways to re-enact certain functions I frequently use in photoshop.
1) Centering the image.
The y-reflect in Sketchbook is extremely handy, but does not work as desired when the image is no longer aligned with the center. Is there any way to center a full image (or either half of the image) apart from 'undo'?

Photoshop is able to do this fairly painlessly simply by selecting the entire canvas and using the centering commands from the move tool, so I'm hoping Sketchbook also has a similar feature. If not, is there any more efficient way to do this apart from constantly exporting to Photoshop just to center the image?
2) Move an image solely along the x or y axis.
Is it possible to move the image in a straight line (ie. solely along the x or y axis?)? If possible, how? Photoshop enables one to do this by holding down on the shift key before dragging the object, but the shift key seems to have no function whatsoever in Sketchbook.
3) Rotate in only 15/45/90 degree increments
Photoshop allows restriction of rotation to 15 degree increments by holding down on shift while rotating a selection. Is it also possible to rotate only in 15/45/90 degree increments in Sketchbook? If so, how?
4) Straight Lines
I know Sketchbook has the rulers tool, but is there any other way to restrict lines drawn to solely the x and y axis? In Photoshop straight lines can be drawn this way fairly quickly (holding the shift button while drawing), but the rulers tool is much slower in this respect due to how much arm precision needed to set the degree counter at exactly 0 ( or the many 90 degree increments).
I understand if the rulers tool is the only way, but I was curious as to whether there was a faster alternative.
5) Paste in Place
From what I understand, the transform tool can only be applied to a layer, and not a selection. Is it possible to cut or copy a selection, and then paste it in place? I've only ever been able to paste it near the center of the screen, which is fairly inconvenient because precise re-aligning with the y-axis needs to be done again.
Incidentally, my Sketchbook version is 2011. If any features related to solving the problems I mentioned above were not yet available at the time but become available in later Sketchbook installments, please also give a heads-up. Thanks in advance.