Portfolio Piece
#2 SCI-FI Time!
Hey guys, I was given the opportunity for a "potential" job a little while ago, but sadly I didn't have any Sci-Fi work at the time. So I was told to come back with some work showing that I could indeed do Sci-Fi. So I put the Poseidon piece on hold, and became a Sci-Fi hermit. But don't worry I will finish my Medieval scene, and there are pics in the thumbnails of where I left off.
For the Sci-Fi piece it is the same objective: Make a detail/asset heavy island scene.
First a clay block out, to give you an idea of what I wanted to accomplish:

Then here are the more finished assets, I'm going back to redesign some parts on a lot of them (the Clay bits), just things I wanted to improve on.
Heres the Reactor Section.

Center piece where the stairs converge, and where the sword is held.

Close up of the minor Tidbits on the CenterPiece.

Here I was experimenting with the bridge and the engines themselves.

And here is the progress of the Main Lighting Asset that is at the top.

And then the BONUS ROUND asset, Im not sure if I'll have the time to get around to it, but here is the clay block out for the Sword.

Everything done in Zbrush?
And yep! Mostly Everything is done in zbrush. (other then throwing the retops in Max for quick low poly clean up)
You dont have to put totally senseless stuff on something just to make it scifi.
Its super blocky and not functional at all, and credibility is the most important things of all. Good design is simple and you can make it look mighty without it beeing so fat
Could you give a slight break down how your workflow is on these assets?
Awesome work. Keep rockin'.
Also if you do continue on the sword, the hilt closest to the handle looks a little blobby and hard to read.
Any chance that you can point out the tutorials material that taught you to hardsurface in that way into Zbrush? :poly124:
@ Shrike: Yea man I agree, thats why its definitely a bonus round asset. The design process is just going too sluggish as I try and find shapes that I like (that was like my 7th redo of it). It sucks too cause its my favorite piece, but until I can make it read better its just going to collect dust.
For the design process its nothing new. Most of the time, I will start a small scribble in Photoshop, then work a block out in Zbrush with Dyna-Mesh/polish (which by the time I am ready to Retop it doesn't look anything like my scribble :poly136:)
It took a few weeks before I could find a finished design that I really liked. But after that, I do a retopology of the clay block out and then rez up the polys, and throw morph-targeted stamps and what not on it. The hardest and longest part is really just the design battle against Time, and my pickyness.
But For tutorials, I really just write notes down, and study the art from what other artists say, do and post like: Vitaly Bulgarov, Kevin Johnstone, Mike Jensen.
Looking forward to the progression here, Keep up the good work.
Keep up the great work!
@ JHS: Thanks for the heads up man. When I check'd to see how badly different the bolt sizes are; its thankfully only a problem on the stairs, and center piece so I've fixed those. Also I have gone ahead and made 4 bolts sizes instead of guessing/eyeballing the sizes. and I've changed the Steps to a ramp, and loosen'd the details too make it easier on the eyes. I just need to tweek a few bits here and there and i'll post it.
Here are the 2 pieces together. And it raised some interesting design questions from a friend of mine, and I'm honestly really liking the idea of a floating tech piece held together with lasers, or a gravity particle effect.
Just a color test with throw-a-way spec and normals. Ugh, this piece has so much more work to be done...
Here is the Top light breakdown.
So,I hope you guys enjoy, and again, bring on the critiques!!!
And I'm wondering if anyone else feels that the metal on the Top light asset looks too dirty or not. its supposed to be outside and be slightly aged (few years) and I'm wondering if it is giving that impression?