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Game Engine scale and Zbrush

polycounter lvl 5
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Pegbird polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys.

Is it standard practice to scale assets during export into the game engine or to set up Maya/3DS to match the units of the engine from the beginning?

I ask because I notice that Zbrush seems to be awkward when working with base meshes of this scale, for example dynamesh resolution and the insert mesh brushes.

Do you guys scale up by a set ratio durign export or do you handle it some other way?


  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    i just build things to match scale from the start, and setup a good grid system to work with in maya, than if n want to sculpt i goz from maya to zbrush with my prefectly scaled mesh
  • ElleKitty
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    ElleKitty polycounter lvl 3
    When you export from Max for Zbrush, you can actually set the conversion scale to be applied which may not be initially properly set up. Just tinker with the options in Max when exporting, there's a button that opens the correct menu in the export screen.

    That said, dont worry too much if your model is a bit offscale in the Zbrush preview window. I dont think that they have worded it well...
    - They say that being offscale ruins the Zbrush dynamesh performance
    - In reality this probably only means that the mesh is relative to the fixed 1x1x1 cube (preview-sized) rather than relative to the size of the model.

    This means that if you have a cube that is double the size of the Preview, it will use a 2x2x2 cube. So if you applied the density of 256, it would be as if you had applied 512 to it.

    I dont know if I'm explaining this well, so let me have one more go. When you apply a dynamesh resolution of, say, 256... the polys are about 1/256 long and tall, compared to the fixed (preview) 1x1x1 cube. The size of your object does not matter, the polys themselves stay same-sized as long as your dynamesh resolution stays the same.

    Therefore you can use dynamesh with objects of any scale, you just have to take the scale into account when choosing your dynamesh resolution. Hit SHIFT+F to see how big the polys really are and use that as your guide.
  • Pegbird
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    Pegbird polycounter lvl 5
    @ Passerby

    This is what I would like to do as it is straight forward, but several key Zbrush features don't work too well on this scale, although it seems ok for basic sculpting with the basic brushes.


    If you export manually into Zbrush it seems to automatically re-size the asset to its own 2x2x2 dimensions, so all the tools work nicely. If you use GoZ however, it does not resize at all and you have a mesh that is 100x bigger than Zbrush is supposed to handle.

    GoZ is so useful though, I want to find the correct/optimal way to use it without this problem.

  • seth.
  • Pegbird
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    Pegbird polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you Seth!

    That has cleared some things up. Shame there isn't a more efficient solution to this but I feared that might be the case.
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