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Adding alpha to large area in Zbrush?

polycounter lvl 9
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swarmedia83 polycounter lvl 9
Im trying to add a honey-comb like alpha to an are of my mesh in zbrush. I use the dragrect stroke but for it to cover the area i want it to it enlarges the alpha too much. Im looking for a smaller more dense look. How can i add the alpha so that the honeycomb look doesnt expand too much and remains small and dense?


  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    There is an option in the Alpha menu to tile the alpha. I dont have zzbrush open but i believe its under alpha/modifier/ tile.
  • swarmedia83
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    swarmedia83 polycounter lvl 9
    Hmm that doesnt work. Ive tried the tile thing and there are open gapes in between the alphas when theyre tiled. Heres and example...

    Heres how it looks when i click and drag...

    I dont want it to be that big. Like i mentioned, i want a smaller more dense look i honestly have no idea how to get that look.
  • Sardu
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    Sardu polycounter lvl 5
    You can edit the alpha yourself. Use photoshop to make the design of the alpha smaller by scaling it down and duplicating the pattern. Then import it back into Zbrush. Then when you drag-expand it'll cover the area yet still remain small.

    Of course this might be the long way around to a solution.
  • swarmedia83
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    swarmedia83 polycounter lvl 9
    Yea i figured that'd be one way. Does seem tedious. Is there anyone who knows a simpler/quicker way?

    Thanks for the responses, much appreciated
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    There is a hex pattern in surface noise plugin that you can scale and tile but it may stretch. Your best bet is to make sure that the alpha you use can tile. Right now it looks like the alpha either has radial fade or was made with black border.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    For tiling patterns like that, and stuff like cloth and chainmail, I use the Surface>Noise tool and load in an alpha. You'll get the best results if you have UV's. I suggest doing a quick zRemesher and then GoZ it into your favorite root program to give it a quick cylindrical map.
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