Hey guys.
So I'm wondering if any of you have some good insight and or links/tutorials into how to achieve excellent dynamic lighting in CryEngine 3.
I understand the basic ToD parameters, and how to achieve a 'general sunny day' type of scene/level. But with it typically looking rather flat and dull, I'm searching for methods in how to spice up the lighting and really give it a realistic dynamic apearance and effect on my environments. After all I would assume to get a solid light setup, it takes more then just making the ToD to mid afternoon

I see many artists here have some beautiful lighting in their CryEngine work, so I thought to perhaps ask

Thanks for your time!
Are you doing an interior or exterior? If you're doing an interior, set up a VisArea and Portals. It'll help keep the interior from blowing out from the light.
You can always throw more lights around your scene, just be wary of letting them overlap. And one last thing, try an Environment probe if your materials are slightly glossy- it can help fill in some of the darker areas with the reflections.
You may also want to post some references or shots from your level and we can probably help more.