Hello everyone!
I'm planning to do a small project to improve my skills, learn new things and in the end have something to put into my portfolio.
I'll call this project
Shroomia. Just because it's fun to work with worktitles, ha ha.
started with going through one of my older sketchbooks in search of something that would inspire me for a project to work and... and I found this
old sketch:

What I'm planning to do/learn/improve:
+ concept art to base my 3D stuff on.
+ Improving my painting skills. (stylised handpainted textures)
+ Good character topology (while keeping the polycount low)
+ Rigging
+ Enviromentstuff
+ Low poly handpainted stuff (I think diffuse only)
+ Get it in engine (still need to decide if UDK or Unity)
[Enter lastest update here] =D
Colors/Scene rough:

which are still WIP:
I also scribbled a thumb of an scenery idea:
Really messy, I know, maybe I clean it up later.
Critique is very welcome, since I want to improve.
I started with some work on the colors ...
Maybe I'll clean this up later on. Maybe...
The character still need work. Also does the enviroment.
Critique would be awesome.
I'll move on for now.
Critique would still be awesome.