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International 2013 - Post Mortem

polycounter lvl 6
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AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
For those who went to the internationals what did you think, how do you think it was handled, what did they do right, and most importantly where can it improve :)


  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    The end felt really abrupt, I did like the fact that the winning team got to 'claim' the Aegis themselves instead of being handed the thing. I hope next time they have a bit more of a grand wrap up on stage with the teams because the second they sent it back to the analyst desk, it felt 'over' after the last game.

    As for the community artists, I would love it if they had some kind of permanent stream set up. Vid and Anuxi were streaming and it was awesome, but I would have loved to see a setup where you can see all the screens + the crowd around.

    Also, here's an article with some cool pictures including danidem, T_Vidotto, Bisho Bola (?), Frump, Anuxi and more!
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah it seems they haven't really nailed the "Closing Ceremony" of the International. Last year it was the same, Gabe came out and announced IG as the winners and they held up the trophy with the Chinese flags but there was no commentary, no translator to interview them, it just ended.

    I'm sure at the event there is kind of a run off hype and parties afterwards and what not but if you are watching it on stream it just ends very suddenly.

    Obviously my only recommendation for improving is ticket sales due to not being able to attend. Mass online ticket sales for a limited seating venue are always impossible to please everyone but I think with the kind of crowd it attracts and multiple avenues of events during the day (Workshop artists, voice artists, interviews and autographs and so on) they could consider relocating to a larger venue. However, this is from the perspective of someone who wasn't there.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, gotta agree, the venue (while ridiculously awesome) is singularly focused on the main stage and the games there. I feel like should they change venue next year, there'll be hopefully more love for the 'side attractions'.
  • Coyo.Te
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    Coyo.Te polycounter lvl 4
    i liked how they mixed in the backstage, around the venue interviews with kaci there. but tbh, I'd really love to see more of that. Ofc Dota is the reason and main focus of the event, but if I got a item workshop team setup, why not go a little more into detail, show some interesting stuff. make some more in depth interviews with voice actors, let them voice act a bit on the fly or something, there could be tones of stuff be done to fill these 1 hr gaps between the games.

    also the ending came quite sudden. I would have loved a little more festive ceremony and even a few shots at the after party, just a couple of minutes not much, but to get a sense of closed circle ending.

    but after all I was damn impressed by the professionalism that valve put up, ofc there is room to improve, there is usually always room to improve even at the big names sports events there is room to improve, but all in all it was damn awesome!
  • Spudnik
  • bounchfx
    what went good:

    - I was really impressed with how they handled the event, it felt really professional. Kaci did a really great job and I enjoyed the variety they presented. I hope she returns. I was fortunate enough to be able to see both the stream and the live event itself, and I have to say the stream captured the event REALLY well.

    - I thought the concept art on the wall was a great touch, it was great seeing the iterations of heroes

    - having the secret shop available was awesome, great selection of merch.

    - meeting players and voice actors was a great touch

    - featuring contributors was a wonderful idea of promoting the workshop

    - the venue was awesome

    what could be improved:

    - but for the demand, perhaps the venue was too small? I liked the venue a lot but when it's near impossible to get a ticket while on the page from the moment they went on sale, that shows the demand is there to move into a bigger arena.. I think the streams hit 500k+ if not way more regularly, yeah?

    - this is 'whiny', and I understand Valve couldn't pay the way and feature every workshop contributor (nor would one expect them to), I think it's awesome that they did anything at all, but the invisible divide of those who were featured and those of us that paid our way out there could have been handled better. It was just frustrating to not be able to walk the hall with my friends because I didn't have the same level of clearance, despite being another big contributor.
    Don't get me wrong, Valve was kind enough to grant me entry despite my ticket buying failure - It would be cool if next year there was a separate signup for ALL regular dota contributors with discount or complementary access
    Funny enough, the thing that was most disheartening is not having my name on one of the posters for a set I modeled, rigged, and helped texture.
    (wtf!? :()

    Regardless, overall I think Valve did a tremendous job and I can't wait to see what TI4 will be like.
  • Hellmouth
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    Hellmouth polycounter lvl 11
    Speaking of concept art walls, anyone managed to get some good shots of that perchance?
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    I would love to see an official app next year that allows for not only streaming but also tracking of in game stats, fantasy points and game play by plays like I saw displayed on the large screen at Benaroya.

    Essentially like the Compendium but as a mobile or tablet app. Despite purchasing one to support the International I found very little reason to ever open it during the event itself.

    I think they vastly improved on the presentation and in between game segments. Kaci was great as in interviewer and seeing behind the scenes was a great insight. Unfortunately I barely caught any workshop streaming because something else was always on.

    I think the additions of the 1v1 tournament and the All Star game were great examples of how events different from a regular game of Dota 2 can be an addition to the event as a whole. If the new game modes currently being datamined end up being fleshed out over the next year I can see a lot more excuses for "Showmatches" between the main events.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    For those who went to the internationals what did you think

    People complaining about the closing ceremony clearly were not there 12 hours a day for 5 days straight. Then sitting in the auditorium for hours for the last set!

    We all wanted to get to the after party and get loose! Any kind of longer closing ceremony would have been boring and painful for everyone involved. I understand your concerns as stream watchers, but if you were there, you'd understand why it is the way it is.

    A bigger venue with different rooms for panels would be good for next year.

    As for getting special passes, we could probably just contact anyone from Valve and get them to set it up if anyone is overlooked next year. They are very friendly and generous.
  • hopgood
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    hopgood polycounter lvl 12
    Frump wrote: »
    People complaining about the closing ceremony clearly were not there 12 hours a day for 5 days straight. Then sitting in the auditorium for hours for the last set!

    We all wanted to get to the after party and get loose! Any kind of longer closing ceremony would have been boring and painful for everyone involved. I understand your concerns as stream watchers, but if you were there, you'd understand why it is the way it is.

    True, I wasn't at the event and I would be first in line for a beer afterwards but I think the point is still valid. There is obviously immense hype and excitement at the event and throughout the remaining night.

    It's vastly improved from the previous year but it still remains as one of the few "clunky" moments of the event from the perspective of a stream watcher.
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