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Curve loops in zbrush

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
Is there a way to make the two ends of a curve flow into each other without a normals break? I'm using the Stroke > Curve Functions > Frame Mesh method with an insert brush atm, and it creates stretching if the end point is on an angular surface:


And on very simple shapes, when the insertMesh is applied to the curve the curve will change shape, can this be prevented?:



  • Pabs
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    Pabs polycounter lvl 12
    yea im also getting weird geometry at the start/end point.
    sometimes it connects in a weird way, other times, it doesn't connect all the way.

    make sure you have 'stretch', 'weld points' on (brush>modifiers). also make sure curve res is at the max; 25. this fixed it a bit for me, but the problem persists.

    for your second question:
    i just added more geo, to my base polygroup shape

    as you can see, the problem at the start/end point is still there.
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