Hello, I want to do some chains for a project and I was wondering how to get the best effect possible for chains, performance-wise and visually-wise, so I tried a few options.
I never really tried to do such things before so I could definitly use some advices and help to chose what's best (sorry for the quality these were done for tests so they are pretty rough)
- Number 1 : High res model
- Number 2 : lower poly version with normal map - 576 triangles
- Number 3 : each piece is made from a cube with normal map + alpha - 192 triangles
- Number 4 : simple planes duplicated with normal map + alpha - 32 triangles
- Number 5 : two rectangles with normal + alpha - 24 triangles
- Number 6 : two planes with normal + alpha - 2 triangles
Thanks for your reply! That's what I was looking for! I'm using it for PC, so I guess you are right number 4 would be fine, thanks again!
Out of curiosity what would be better if I had to animate them ? Number 6 with more divisions?
It takes much more to render a good material and textures than the mesh itself, so I would rather check the material+texture first than the mesh (still you have to watch, amount, tri-count, and stuff like that)
To animate them, yes I would go for 5 or 6 with more divisions. Just place an edge at every place you would want the chain to bend or have a joint.
Never been a huge fan of this double mask trick. A normal map should already gives a decent relief. If you really need volume, then model it.
So i'd say 1,2,4,(6 if straight and static) and then it depends of the quality, budget...required
Up close id go with number 2 . If the links were fatter you could go with 2 but made of closed boxes cos you probably wouldnt need the alpha there either