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r-bot player model for experimental game engine

Been working on this model for a while in my sketchbook thread and finally got it to a point that its pretty much ready to go ingame and thought i would get some feedback.


ingame shot


thanks for checking it out, also the engine in question is http://tesseract.gg it does realtime gi (via radiance hinting?) full realtime shadows , ssao, and the most important realtime multiplayer coop level editing.

if your curious the engine can be compiled at http://tesseract.gg i also run a multiplayer server and would love to do some coop level editing with people on polycount.


  • planaria
    updated the model a bit, and am adding in a hand to one side..

  • Dimfist
    Offline / Send Message
    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Hey that's a nice hard sculpt in zbrush! What's your plan of attack for retopo?
  • silkroadgame
  • planaria
    Dimfist : already done with most of the retopo, im trying to make the whole thing into as many discrete modular pieces as possible, this ups the polycount but is better for the future of the player model (adding different types of gun models and such).

    glad you like it silkroadgame !
  • planaria
    ill spare you the details but this one was an annoying retopo/baking

    in blender :





  • planaria
  • superb888
    You need to tone down the shoulders. They make the whole character look off. Basically I would tone down the bulk of the armor. It doesn't look like anyone could actually move in that thing. Armor should look strong but not look like it'd be a burden to actually use.

    lower arms
    upper and lower legs

    The scale of armor needs on the things I just mentioned need to be tweaked and played around with. The whole thing just looks too bulky.
  • WadeWT
    Offline / Send Message
    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    I thought it was a robot (r-bot) so I don't think there would be someone inside of it. The shoulders are pretty massive, though.
  • planaria
    wee got it rigged !

    still need to fine tune the weights and maybe redo the fingers as there deformation is slightly off.


    superb888 , i would say i wouldnt normally design a player model with these proportions. the proportions are based off of warhammer 40k which is what the programmer for the engine really wanted. that said it is a robot, there is no human inside.

    shoulders are indeed massive but its pretty par for the course for the warhammer 40k style. thanks for the feedback!

  • planaria
    so ive started animating this thing... fun

    LwINfU8.png also reduced the size of the forearm with hand side as per request of the programmer.
  • planaria
    started work on, dat texture.. (ugh the worst part)

    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    For hard surface stuff you are probably better off using photoshop instead of zbrush for texturing. 90% of hard surface texturing is going to be good spec and gloss maps, but zbrush won't really let you do that properly. Bake out an AO map, tangent normal, object normal, cavity, and convexity map and use them all to create interesting mask to start laying down your materials.
  • planaria
    bardler , i definitely use photoshop in the process, but i really enjoy that zbrush actually has depth and when you polypaint , atleast for me i feel like i get an accuracy with the painting i cant get in photoshop. photoshop is still apart of the whole process though.

    texture update, not even close to done, more like part of the first draft, initial test in.

  • DannSw
    Offline / Send Message
    DannSw polycounter lvl 10
    Looks like a great model and bake dude, it's crying out for colour though! Have you thought of camo or tactical colour schemes/decals?

    I'm also with BARDLER - you should really be using photoshop to texture your hard surface work. At the end of the day it's just more efficient.
    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    planaria wrote: »
    bardler , i definitely use photoshop in the process, but i really enjoy that zbrush actually has depth and when you polypaint , atleast for me i feel like i get an accuracy with the painting i cant get in photoshop. photoshop is still apart of the whole process though.

    texture update, not even close to done, more like part of the first draft, initial test in.


    Depth shouldn't be an issue with hard surface stuff. Its easy to convert your photoshop details into a simple height map and then use nDo2 or Knald to convert into a normal overlay. Like I said metal is not defined by its diffuse map, but you are painting all these details into it. Also scratches are going to have a higher spec/gloss value which you will not be able to separate in zbrush. For metal your diffuse should be dark, like 10% or less dark, but you are painting it in zbrush to bright. That silver paint you painted in zbrush is getting blown out because of the spec value in UDK. For hard surface stuff its all about material definition, but I have no idea what your materials are from that latest render.
  • planaria
    Bardler, have you ever tried using the trim dynamic brush with alpha 08 in zbrush ? its kind of amazing how easy it is to paint in those details.

    also for doing basic color setups i find zbrush is just more fun, i dont know i am not a pro :)

    there is definitely a use for photoshop ecpecially in adding very simple surface detail. but i am a sculptor at heart so i guess its just a preference.

    I agree with what you and DannSw say about the model texture wise though, i have to play around with shader setup that i have to see what results i can achieve. ill be putting up some improvements on the texture soon.

    btw, i am Not using UDK. I am using an indie engine called octaforge that is based off of tesseract. linky below, they are basically realtime level editing / realtime gi / realtime sky. with really great performance ontop of it. hopefully one day i can get some people to want to join my server and do some coop multiplayer level editing some day.


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