Hello,I started this project to get a new portfolio piece.
Right now I'm still in blockout stage and I have finished some models and textures.I decided to post here early because I'm having some problems which I can't figure out how to solve.:poly136:
Problem is in lightmap seams although i have left some space for padding and snapped on pixels it still isnt working.

Current blockout:

Concept art:

Floor Texture:

Wood Pillar Sculpt:

Random Pillar Structure:

First I would sculpt basic stuff like damage using trim dynamic brush/mallet fast then I would use projection master to draw wood grain and alpha texture for making that round shape on the bottom and top of pillar.
Thanks for critique.
Have to do low poly now and textures,curtain is here just for cosmetic purposes.
I really like the sculpt on that previous wood beam. Nice level of detail for it's size.
Good luck with it all. I look forward to seeing it progress!
Philip K's tutorials are great! But I found that when I was sculpting wood it was was also a little harder to judge the depth and details that were really necessary, sometimes its easier to go over the top and scale it back down using morph targets, its easier to lower the detail of a sculpt that it is to add more details sometimes. Try using morph targets to control and add details into your sculpts. I find its workflow is much easier than to use projection master, and it can also save time flipping between different tools to see your results, as it is fairly interactive in showing the before and after and mixing the two.
My friend showed me how this worked so quick google search and I found this awesome video on Eat3D by Andy Davies. Around 4mins into the video will give you a quick overview, but it is a free video so it is only 25mins in length and what I enjoy about others tutorials is sometimes just watching how they work.