Hey guys, here is my "final" shot from my highpoly warhammer 40k Stormblade
(old thread:
Took me 2-3 weeks of freetime modeling on a terrible skill level, a day of photoshopping all my renders together and a day rendering passes out relentlessly
All done in Cinema 4D / Photoshop

I plan doing a variant with text, like a promotion for a nonexisting game
This is my rundown for my render passes
Main Reference:

Could have done better stuff material and settings wise but i was too limited by hardware

but im really happy how it turned out afterall
Shopped in a soldier to give proportions and there is tons of post process work all in all in photoshop.
What could I improve ? What do you think ? Harsh critique is the best critique
heres the link if it still dosnt work
Was the base render for this textured/uv'd ? Or is this procedural?
Didnt have a UV for anything, all procedural
Now im struggling how I should proceed, I planned some kind of composition with text, but im not sure if I should go for a classical war propaganda thing
or maybe somd kind of "looking through binoculars" head up display with sci-fi holograms and such, just a lot more complex things then and without toning the colors, but im not sure if it still has the binocular charme without
what do you think ? Also it seems pretty hard finding the right font for this
However, I just downloaded the trial of photoshop CC, and while photoshop is my life, I never saw a reason to upgrade (and CC is not cheap either)
And while it seems that there are nearly no new things, there are 2 killer features however, first you can use the ultra complex filters on normal images which were only aviable for 32 bit RAW images before, and second, that new pixel sampling algorithm is insane.
You can literally double the size of any of your images, and it looks fine. You easily have 75% of the original quality which is just like black magic. Before, upsampling made everything just a blurry mess.
I took my original tank image, doubled the size with the new preserve details algorithm, and it looks like it was made in that size. (blurry and noisy stuff is from my bad texturing) Also I used the new RAW filters to get colors better and the night scene more lively.
its not the best example since many things were low res at the original but still, try it out