Hey guys,, I have an onscreen message in skyblue color that wont go away while playing the game.
MIC: SetScalarParameterValue : Modifying'WavyDistortionMaterial_INST' durning gameplay. ParamName: Z_Value
I have something set up in kismet that uses player position to change paramiters in an MIC.
kismet has some of these nods:
Get Location and rotation nod, get vector components nod, set scalarParam nod.... anyways it works perfect besides that message.
Anyone know how to disable the message ? or maybe is there a way to disable all messages all together? Why the hell is UDK even displaying messages if everything works correctly?!
This is because a material changed in a package doesn't get back to its default status until you restart the engine/game. I agree this is a bit silly in the case where you use a MIC+Matinee because you can't make this memory copy with kismet.
Anyway, if you are aware of this problem, you can obviously ignore it. You can disable the message by changing the default value of to false inside your DefaultEngine.ini file (do not edit BaseEngine.ini !).