Finally finished a piece that I started about 2 months ago (way before I joined Polycount). Mainly with this piece I was practicing on camera placement, depth of field, multiple material layers etc...
This was created in 3ds max 2013 and all textures (except for the map, which is the "USGS - US Geological Survey" and table which 3ds max texture) as well as the smoke were created in Photoshop CS5.

I'm not going to continue this any further, however, I would really like feedback on this if there are any mistakes to be pointed out. Also, it would be great if anyone has info on how to do a better signature. In addition to crediting sources (such as USGS I mentioned above) if it's necessary, I'm not sure if it is since it's a world map.

- The bulb has a wide but thin fillament, so typically the whole thing would not light up evenly, you'd get a burnt white center and then more clear edges.
- The folder up front has damaged/burnt top and bottom but pristine along the border. It would be opposite. The most touched part of a folder is the edge the you lift to open it, and folder tabs on this same edge tend to get messed up since they stick out the furthest. Also, regarding the top and bottom edge looking dirty, it is hard to imagine where the dirt would come from in this otherwise pristine environment.
- If anything needed grime, it would be the specular on the phone. Phones are moved, handled, pushed, etc all day long, especially in an era where they were the primary method of communication. Adding some fingerprints and other wear into the specular layer would really help you sell the realism.
- The flag is thin and generally cheaply made. It should have some transmission on it for this reason, even in this darker scene there should be a bit. Transmission is when you can see light through a material, for instance curtains covering bright windows. Since it is cheaply made, it would be a good effect to do a transmission map that shows individual fibers in the flag, as though they were loosely weaved at a cheap factory.
- The smoke is awful. It doesn't need to be simulated, but find a nice smoke brush and do it that way. Take care to add a bit of mono noise into the smoke for the appearance of depth.
- The glasses are refracting too strongly. Even coke-bottle lenses do not refract so much as yours are doing.
- there are very strange jaggy lines on the map, not sure what those are.
- All the folders except the one front and center have boxy ends. The creases here are perfectly straight and have no bevel, and reveal them as CG immediately.
- The post it note has nothing on it but a strange squiggle. Not sure why it's on the outside of a top secret file. I
- last, the phone cord needs more tension and gloss.
anyways, some of that is super nitpicky, but that's why realism is so hard to do. Otherwise it's looking great. Nice lighting. Too bad you can't capture some of those cabinets on the back.
Keep it up.