I had a sudden urge to create some BattleTech goodies after playing MWO. Here is my start to a Heavy Gauss Rifle. It is far from complete but I am having issues with the faceted look of the barrel while rendering. When i try to soften the edges it looks like crap so I am assuming my topology is a little rough. I will post up a wireframe later. This is just a quick update until I get home from work.

I guess i would tweak the sickness of some elements. The hydraulics on the sides seems too thin, even i don´t know what they should do. Some more framelike metall bars would be good on the "inside" (where the ammostrip is), to hold the ammunition container. You can find good inspiration by googling for vulcan gun/gau 8a. Try to think about how this thing would really work and construct it (by thinking) from inside to outside.