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[UDK] Modular Spaceship Environment - Help needed

polycounter lvl 6
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nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
Hi all,

I've decided on a new portfolio piece I'm going to complete - A defence game set inside a spaceship. The first part of it is to get my spaceship done. I have a basic floor plan of the ship, with 3 levels, and I've blocked it out in UDK using basic floor segments from 3DS MAX (They're just basic tiles of a certain dimension). I've done this mainly to try and get a better idea of scale and layout, so I now know how large certain assets and segments are going to have to be. Here's a quick shot of the 3 floor layouts as they are in UDK at the moment;


I want to create the floors, walls and ceiling with as many modular assets as I can to save time. I've never done a modular environment before and I'm looking for advice going into this. I've checked out some awesome tutorials for it (including Philip Klevestav's) but I'm still stumped whenever I go to MAX. The thing that's throwing me off is thinking about curved sections, and I want a lot of nice curved corners. Another thing that's melting my brain is thinking about how to connect the walls to the floors and ceilings, as I want the corridors quite narrow and small, and the rooms and lot more open, large and varied.

Any help would be hugely appreciated.


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