Hey, I'm sure most people in the industry know Confluence. Perhaps some of you have written documentation with it; I do it a lot.
Now, when writing my own stuff at home, I really wish I had something similar, but it doesn't look like Confluence is cheap or easy to set up without your own server and all.
So; does anybody know an easy, free wiki-like software like Confluence that I could use? I know the wikipedia like systems are freely available, but Confluence is WAY easier to layout nicely. Also I really want something where I don't have to mess with my own server and all. Like how you can host wordpress blogs on wordpress' own site.
Alternatively: anything remotely decent for writing gamedesign documents. I'm a bit sick of the MS Word-like way of working.
Take a look at Wikia, I've used it to setup school wikis, and it can switch between wysiwyg and markup.
could that be something?
I seem to remember there being a wiki plugin for wordpress, but I can't recollect why I didn't end up using it in the end ;-)
we have something like that on our intranet. I prefer a real wiki any day. The whole Wysiwyg editor is just as unpredictable as Word can be at times. For now I just keep my personal notes in Evernote where I can move them around and reorganize them as needed. It's just not good for sharing.
Myles; that's not too bad. Still $120 a year, but they host for you. Looks like downloading it for your own hosting is only $10 though.. that's better than I thought.
..but it's very simple.
Seems pretty nice, it has the ability to make it private, also the interface is not too bad.
The free version does have some limitations, but I don't know how quickly one would reach them.
We use doku at work and I must say I intensely dislike it
primitive but it works !