Hi guys,
I made this suit of armor for an indie game, still in development, called "Three".
You can check out some background information on the game here:
Comments and critiques welcome, let me know what you think!

It's good.
You're presentation is great as well.
Only thing that is off for me is the faces texture, not sure if that was a focus for you on this project or if it was just his equipment
I'll look at the shader, maybe I can fake a bit of that reflection along the edges of his shield.
Yeah, I'm not happy with the head either.. it's a combination of the shader smoothing the details of the skin and just not being very strong with anatomy. I plan on working on face anatomy some more.. a lot more actually, have a lot to learn. But here's a closer shot of the face if you're curious. Top one is in Zbrush and the lower one is the lowpoly in Max with the Xoliul shader.
I'm not sure what the deal is.. I feel it's in part the anatomy itself (i.e. even I can tell the side view doesn't look right.. not quite sure why yet) but I also that the details didn't transfer from the bakes in a pleasing way.
I used TopoGun for baking for both the armor and body underneath. I noticed a lot of waviness in my normal maps, more so in the armor, so I ran the armor through xNormal and that seemed to clear it up. Maybe I'll run the body through it too and see what that looks like.
Haha, thanks.. I really enjoy looking at intricately detailed fantasy armor but intentionally tried to stay truer to something more realistic with this because of it's purpose. It's supposed to be a pretty low level suit of armor in the game and thought it should stay relatively simple in design.
Modeling armor is a lot of fun.. quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do. I find organic stuff like anatomy and clothing to be a lot less forgiving than making hard surface models.
He's missing his scabbard and the accompanying baldric to hold it. The shoulder pieces are also missing anything to hold them to the armor.
Both handles for the shield were leather (steel would tend to cut into the hand and would provide no 'give' to help absorb blows). Also, the polycount for the shield seems very high for what it is. Most of the minor details which are inflating the cost - the rivets and the beveling of the rim - can easily be handled by the normal map. The texture map is also very large; unless you plan on zooming in to the shield, a 512 or 1024 map should be more than enough.
Depending on the circumstances you might be able to stack the two wooden surfaces (front and back), saving a lot of space. Also I'm curious what's going on with all the small stuff in the top left corner, are those the rivets around the shield edge? If so why aren't they stacked? The sword could probably be optimised further too.
Quite like the end result though, I'm going to have to try my hand at some armour sometime.
DWalker: You seem very knowledgeable about historically accurate armor. Thank you for pointing some of those details out. I admit I wasn't adhering too closely to a high level of realism or accuracy. The lack of some of the accuracies was just my ignorance on the real thing, but I also waived other concerns because we had plans for interchange-able armor system. For example, wasn't sure what kind of trouble I'd be getting myself intp making a coif of some kind that protecting his neck area - like whether it'd go over or under the armor, how'd it fit together with different armor/clothing types, etc. So I just left it out for this suit. I do like that look though and will think about how to make it work with a new suit
Bek: Yes, I made the textures 2k so they could be downsized. I kept the rivets in there because I felt like I went a little too lowpoly with the armor (~8k for the entire suit including face) I think I was worried about leaving too many details to the normal map and it negatively affect the silhouette. But then again, the shield is mostly flat so I think my concerns were a little unnecessary.
Here's a wireframe for the shield as it is in the renders above. But then I took your suggestions and knocked out the rivets, and some beveling that really wasn't necessary in the one below.
Pretty amazing that just removing a few edge loops and those rivets and it's essentially half as heavy. The normal map does take those rivets into account, I just have to adjust the AO map.
Thanks for the tips on the shield UVs as well. I'm honestly not sure why I didn't think of stacking them.. I did a similar approach for the armor (mirror the arms and legs so they were stacked) not sure why I didn't think to do it again. I could get quite a bit more space that way, I'll re-do the unwrap for some more optimized.
Thanks again everyone for the tips. I'll be reworking the face and shield, and update the thread when I've got some good progress for you to see!
Same goes for the straps but they might be mirrored?
If you end up not stacking the front/back of the shield you might also consider actually attaching the front sphere part - you can read some reasoning why you'd do that here
Went back and re-textured the knight's face. Tried to dirty it up a little, and worked on the shader some more. Here's the final result:
I have a variation/swappable second suit of this armor that I'm probably going to add into my portfolio page but as far as tweaking this suit I'm calling it done. I feel like I hit a point where the time I spend on it goes up exponentially and there isn't much progress to show for it. Time to start putting energy towards something new
Thanks again for all the feedback everyone! It's been very helpful.
Yeah definitely.. my past couple of projects were started pre-polycount registration. This guy in particular was pretty much done when I started showing some of my work on him, just did some tweaks here and there based on everyone's feedback. But next one definitely I'll upload some more WIP shots, it'll be cool to get some tips along the way.