Hi everyone,
first I'm sorry for my bad english but it's not my mother tongue
secondly it's my first post on polycount.
I wanted to show my first handpainted weapon.
The texture and the model is by me but the concept of the weapon is by "FirsstKeeper" you can look his work on
of course any comment is welcome

I'm not really in any place to crit this properly as I haven't even attempted a hand painted texture yet but from what I can see its a very good start. I really like what you have done with the glowing gem in the hilt, that looks very good.
I'm not sure about the colour of the metal though, in the concept it's a lot darker and I think that's what makes the colours work together. The scratch towards the top of the blade looks oddly placed too, I would expect it to be more on the blades edge where it would be striking objects.
Hope those random ramblings help in some sort of way. This is definitely a great start and I look forward to seeing more!
It's true the color of the concept is realy more darky as my texture.
But it's juste a choice .
And about the color of the metal , yeah maybe it's better to make more darker .
The main issue is that metal is pretty dark unless you have a specular highlight. If you rotate a knife for example you will see this specular highlight move around making the knife look either dark or really bright almost white.
The issue here is the way your knife is reflecting the specular highlight would be impossible. Now a simple kitchen knife could be fully in the specular highlight making it almost all white, but your surfaces are pointing in different directions and the specular highlight doesn't match as if its coming from the same angle.
To be more specific, I see the specular highlight bouncing from the left on the blade, from the front on the handle guard, and from the right on the bottom metal piece. However, your specular highlight should be more consistent as if the light source is all coming from one angle, or if you have multiple lights in mind one strong specular highlight and perhaps some weaker ones and bounced light. Anyway, like I said, its simple not possible a metal sword would be lit like you have it currently.
This is probably the reason PixelSuit found something off about your sword but had trouble putting it into words. So its really not the color of the metal so much its about understanding the lighting you are painting.
I hope this helps, you def. have some solid painting skills and painting metal is really tricky! Keep it up!
This part ( the specular ) is strange on my knife.
I will change this soon.
Thanks for you help and your "eyes"
a litle update of my texture ( "specular change")
any comment is welcome
thanks you for your comment Iciban .
I followed your advice and I made a gradient map on my knife.
Let's see and of course any comment is welcome
thanks for any advice and thanks for watching