UNPAID work for fun and fame over seven days in August. Gamejam site: 7DFPS.org
Were a coder/artist, coder & musician group about to participate in the 7DFPS. Were looking for a 3D generalist to put a little blood in the bullet wounds and a hint of plaster dust in the air.
Youd have a significant input on the look of the game, from title screen to characters to levels, props, hud and characteristic font, etc. The earlier you join, the greater your impact on the project.
Currently, we plan on making a game about a rite-of-passage hunt (with bow-and-arrow) in the ruins of long-abandoned, quarantined, fifties-style scientific facility. The design also includes elements of Shadow of the Collossus and Zelda games.
We use Unity3d (C#), Blender and a variety of DAWs to get things done.
Help us make a joyous pile of corpses.
The artist were looking for will...
...have prior experience in LOW POLY 3D modelling, character design, animation, colour theory, gui and layout design. More importantly, he or she will have oodles of enthusiasm and tenacity!
be able to model, texture (diffuse, possibly normal) and animate (walkcycle, idle, shoot) 2-3 simple characters within a 5-day period (overall the 7DFPS takes place over 10th-17th August 2013, but wed like to budget in some extra time for polish and props).
Ideally our artist will:
be experienced in Blender or 3DSMax. Other 3D programs are welcome - our current artist is just more familiar with the pipeline from Blender/Max to Unity! Mayas been a minor headache in the past, but maybe we can fix that.
...be familiar with Unity 3D. If not, this shouldnt be a big problem. Unitys a friendly program and wed be happy to give the candidate a quick intro to Unity. Youll love the program, everybody does.
...have experience with Photoshop, Gimp or similar.
...have a sense of artistic pragmatism - 7 days go by right quick and you may be called upon to sacrifice that fancy title screen for a less-exciting but vital character retexture (a better visual read), or similar. Better to be ugly-but-functional than the other way around.
...be able to communicate in English! Our team all speak English so just for speed and quality of communication, our new artist should speak and read/write English too.
PM me if you have questions or youre interested! Should be fun...!