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Models won't texture or appear properly

polycounter lvl 9
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SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9
Recently, I've been having a problem with Unity. I imported my model and for some reason only the eyes of my character showed up. Unity seemed to detect the existence of the rest of the model, but everything else refused to show up, not even as a wireframe.

After some fiddling around, I got it to show up as a wireframe (I can't exactly remember how I did it, I was really tired at the time), but I can't seem to texture it at all. It just appears as a plain diffuse lambert material. Any attempts I've had at giving it a texture, even with just basic Unity materials, doesn't seem to work and I can't figure out why. The model seems to completely ignore any and all materials I give to it. Why can't I seem to give a texture/material to my model?


  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Are you certain the UV coordinates have been imported correctly?

    What are you exporting?

    What are you exporting it from?

    What format are you exporting it as?

    Does it load back into your original 3D program OK? Can other 3D programs open it without those issues?
  • SuperSparkplug
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    SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9
    Farfarer wrote: »
    Are you certain the UV coordinates have been imported correctly?

    What are you exporting?

    What are you exporting it from?

    What format are you exporting it as?

    Does it load back into your original 3D program OK? Can other 3D programs open it without those issues?

    How do I check that? Also, while I have the UVs properly laid out on my model, there's no texture in the model file right now because I haven't made a proper UV texture yet. Currently, I just have a shader I customized for testing purposes. Despite that, I tried applying several of Unity's default shaders and it's still not working.

    I'm not exporting anything. I think you mean importing.

    The model is a native Maya .MA File, not exported as anything.

    It works fine in Maya. It has no issues and works perfectly. Unity is the only thing that seems to be freaking out about it for some reason.
  • CowKing
    How do I check that? Also, while I have the UVs properly laid out on my model, there's no texture in the model file right now because I haven't made a proper UV texture yet. Currently, I just have a shader I customized for testing purposes. Despite that, I tried applying several of Unity's default shaders and it's still not working.

    I'm not exporting anything. I think you mean importing.

    The model is a native Maya .MA File, not exported as anything.

    It works fine in Maya. It has no issues and works perfectly. Unity is the only thing that seems to be freaking out about it for some reason.

    Within Maya, export as an .OBJ if it doesn't have animation, or an .FBX if it does.

    Also, make sure you don't have any cameras or lights in the export; Unity sometimes freaks out if the file it's importing has non-model stuff.
  • Synthesizer
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    Synthesizer polycounter lvl 11
    Also check that the Mesh Renderer has the same number of materials as the mesh. If the model prefab has been broken the materials array won't sync up to what has been last imported. If your model has 3 different materials assigned in Maya, the materials array should have 3 material slots.
  • nicko_the_great
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    nicko_the_great polycounter lvl 9
    yea you have to export from maya as .FBX or .OBJ Unity doesnt read native files of other software that like trying to to load .ZTL zbrush into Maya it wont read it
  • Synthesizer
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    Synthesizer polycounter lvl 11
    Unity does read certain native files, like Maya, Max, etc. The way it does it is to export automatically to a temporary FBX first, so you might not get the same results but it usually does a good job.

  • SuperSparkplug
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    SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9
    Wrong, Unity does accept native Maya files, as long as you have Maya installed.

    Fixed the issue. It was just a matter of deleting the history of my mesh.
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Unity doesn't accept them, as such. Synthesizer's right, it runs Maya in the background and opens the .ma file, and then exports the contents to a temporary FBX file which Unity then loads. Same with any file that's a native format.
  • 1tch
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    1tch polycounter lvl 8
    Unity accepts native Maya files, but I'd suggest using fbx. We've run into issues where the native Maya files corrupted and we were forced to convert everything over to fbx.

    Also, just a friendly note. Unity also accepts the use of .PSD. So you can work directly from Unity using PSD's without the need to export another image. Unity will compress the image during run time. :)
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