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Medieval fantasy environment

Hi, I’ve been working on a modular environment for a while now and have come to a point where I could use some constructive feedback. If anyone has the time to help me find a way to improve things I would appreciate it. Also, if there are any other images or info you need please ask me and I will see if I can provide it. Thank you!



  • ant77man
    I would say to overall improve, would be material definition better spec and normal maps. In the first image the giant stone door does not really read as a giant stone door. The stone in the second image it does not really read as stone.
  • Solmas
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    Solmas polycounter lvl 4
    I think the biggest improvements you can make to your environment is to sculpt detail into your modular pieces and build your textures off the normal map. Right now everything is drab and bland because all you have is a diffuse map. There's no detail of difference in any of your pieces -- no character. Do some research on medieval castles and structures and look at the detail work and decor they used, build a library of stamps and brushes, and make a couple different variations of each modular piece and then build your the rest of your textures off the normals you extract.

    Your second obstacle would be lighting -- there are so many great places to play around with lighting and light sources and you haven't capitalized on any of them. You have floating spheres that look like they're supposed to be magic but you executed them in the most uninteresting way. Besides the floating orbs I don't see how else this is a fantasy/magical environment either. Perhaps if you listed your reference images it'd go a long way in helping to see where you're coming from and wanting to go.

    I hope this helps!
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I would say the first thing that you should improve is the lighting.
    pull down the ambient color to a more darker one.Its night there so at the dark areas you need almost black color.Add more attenuation/intensity/color to your light sources.

    The another problem is that you are using almost only tileable textures.I mean on the arch and on some other meshes it looks like this.Paint or bake some ao/shadows/highlights to your textures.And they will look better.I would add decals/damages too.

    Grass planes are cheap, try them
    Also, try post processing if you can.
  • n8rush
    I have to agree with the above, lighting needs to worked on the most.
    On the interior maybe a couple things to break up the grid as well.
  • mercy0
    The lighting needs some work, I'd also like to see better normals on your textures.
  • Hydro707
    I do agree with everyone else on the lighting. I also feel like the four bottom screenshots are very similar maybe add more assets to the hallways like statues or maybe also a ceiling collapse as well.
  • suspectlogic
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    suspectlogic polycounter lvl 13
    it looks a little uninspired. why is everything built out of primitive geometry? a modular environment doesn't mean you're limited to blocks cubes and cylinders. try building sets of modular pieces that have different values of contrast and color. check out the work done by thiago klafke

  • silver_hoodlum
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    silver_hoodlum polycounter lvl 4
    Way to dark, reduce contrast on textures, also some of them are quite noisy
  • Elend
    I thank everyone for the feedback and while I am still working on some of what was suggested I have come up with a few adjustments as seen below. I adjusted the specular maps and increased the normals to allow for more detail. Also, I added and adjusted the lighting to allow for a little bit more distinct coloring throughout the scene. If you have any feedback regarding these adjustments please feel free to let me know as it is very much appreciated. Thank you!

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