Anyone whose played either Borderlands has heard from Crazy earl from time to time. "Whatchu want?" Well, I'm glad you asked earl. I want to see whats inside your shack!
I plan on creating from scratch the interior of crazy earls place in Bl2 within the borderlands 1 engine (playable/downloadable). The idea is that he is a drug king pin and turns out all the eridium people give him, He turns into crystal meth. More commonly known as purple Ice on the streets of pandora. Interior will be complete with boarded up windows, quadrupole teared door lock, small bed turned into a stripper pole/pad, hookers corpse, bunch of random crack addict type of stuff, and obviously, The main attraction, A variety of scientific makeshift equipment for cooking rocks! Such as heating elements, baking trays, vials, Beakers, Tubes, Bottles of chemical junk, And a big ol high temperature oven.
This piece is going to mainly a portfolio piece, So Aesthetics>most all else. But it will be playable for the crew that still runs Bl1. You'll be able to drop into the area, put around a little bit, And pick up a new weapon called "The Crack Pipe" and grenade Mod.
Following the "From scratch" point of this, The Crack Pipe will be entirely new(model, textures, effects, etc) as will the Grenade mod. Along with a new lootable chest for them to sit in. I might even make it a micro mission for funnzies. With a 3 point "collect Easter eggs" kinda thing. But we'll see where it goes.
So. Enough yapping. Block out is very blocky, And basic at this point. likely going to be subject to a lot of change, But it's got the basic layout of the area. The lamp/stripper pole is my first stab at this texture style, So any feedback on it is welcomed. Bound to improve as I get a feel for what I'm doing. This lamp is Diffuse only. Baked normals for it, But couldn't even tell when they were on/off, so i dropped those. 273 Tris, 1KX512 map(likely to get cut in half, Not sure yet). The bulb will be emissive once in engine, btw. Previewed in marmoset. Once i have a decent amount of assets I'll start putting up in engine shots.

Latest highlights:

And thanks! More to come soon.
It would be good to get these early block out meshes in the engine and see how they feel, I think you might be a bit small. There is a perceptual scale that takes place in most games and things typically need to be roughly 5-15% bigger and a little more spaced out than they would be in a faithful recreation that was only going to be rendered.
At some point you'll want to try and work on your concepting skills because it really does help knock ideas together faster or paint over a hull, like you have here, to try out different looks and details. It will help, but isn't always necessary to land a job.
Anyway, it looks like you're off to a good start, that stripper pole is rough and nasty tho, they normally are pretty smooth and slick and if they get used they would be pretty smooth, that pole looks painful... but I think you nailed the broken down, chipped up look.
It has the borderlands vibe to it so nice work on the materials.
I definitely do need to work on concepting. Painting always ends up in a bunch of frustration for me, But it's totaly worth be able to rapidly prototype ideas before fleshing them out in 3d. So i'll try to work on that through this project!
@ the level size: I'll get it in engine likely today, and see how everything feels. In past modding for BL I definately realized that the space you play in isn't always what it seems when your making it. So I'll make sure to scale everything up a bit and give the player some room to wiggle around
@Stripper pole: Completely agree. I'm going to have to look at some poles/piping for Bl1 and 2 and see how they did the texture and not make it look like a rusty drain pipe. I'm going to try and keep the scene as effecient as possible so down the road i'll make some generic tilable specular/exponent textures to give all the materials a little more definition. So in game the pole will be a litle glossier, and possible have a brushed look to it.
The pole was really just a over eager test into the texturing/workflow. So i'll likely be focusing on blocking it all out in engine and concept all the various bits over the next few days/week. Really work on the foundation of the area. I want it to turn out as well as possible, So i'm gonna try to take all the right steps
800 Tris between the T pipe, Straight pipe and L pipe.
2K Diffuse (may be reduced). And a 1K "oil" texture i used for some color, as well as using the red/blue for gloss and spec breakup. I might just make it into a grayscale, Then used texture cords and constant3's to add colors. Instead of using RGB. Not sure how balls out with materials optimization I want to get.
Need to lighten the darker material a bit. But just some material testing here. Rendered in engine. The heat soaked ones look a lot cooler with light dancing around them
In engine Shot, for those who may be curious. Don't mind naming, That's just my test package
scene is going to look sick!
Unrelated, every time i see your avatar i want to make her a playable character in BL1
And thanks!
Think it would be nice if the lampbulb itself had a material, maybe you'd want to use emissive lights from material or something.Anyway, looking forward to more
Here is the very(very) rough and dirty block out. Decided to look up what a hostel actualy is (the building crazy earl is inside) and decided to make it more fitting. So now there's going to be some bunks, Bathroom, Then in the kitchen you'll be able to pass through the fridge and go into the underground meth cooking area
Not sure why i can't seem to embed it. oh well.
Still a WIP, But i'm starting to feel like the slashes/concrete break up is way too much. Thought before, It was just a bit overdone, But now i'm wondering if i should just drop the wall tile and start a new one. Let me know what you guys think
Edit: Or perhaps paint out some of the damage in ps? Normals are hidden pretty well behind the inking anyway, maybe i can get away with some hand painting on the normals....Hmmm.
*Edited to keep lighter, See below for final texture*
*Edited to keep the thread lighter, See below*
You can do something a little more manual on your own by carefully managing the pivots, carefully placing verts in key spots or placing dummies at the beginning and end of your pipes, making it easy to snap to.
Splines are also great at getting you started, they give you some good UV's to start with also.
Watch your initial cylinder side count though, I messed mine up a bit. So when rotated X amount, The sides don't line up. I used some stupid number like 15 sides...For reasons i don't know :poly136:
Thanks guys.
I'm definitely learning a lot of what not to do on these assets ^^ they turn out pretty well, But each time i find some flaw in the way I'm trying mimic the style. But hopefully each piece gets better and better.
Previewed in marmoset. 2K DN. Likely to get cut in half.
Its 'off duh hizzle' - looking forward to seeing more!
Joeriv: Thanks. Should start getting them in engine/scene soon-ish
Nothing really fancy there. Just went the manual route with it.
1. Cylinder! With an even amount of sides, will work best.
2. dubplicate, and rotate to intersect with the main cylinder
3. In orthographic view, With Snap to vertices on, Cut the shape of the proxy cylinder(Should snap perfectly, and be exact.
4. Delete the proxy.
5. Delete the faces inside the cut you made, Extrude the border, make the new boarder planar, and cap the end.
6. Run 2 loops at the "bounds" of where you want your bevel to be.
7. Remove the inner edge, Adjust smoothing so that each original cylinder are seperated (SG 1 for Horizontal, SG2 for the intersecting one.) and the bevel between bridges both (SG 1,2,3).
Because I didn't need a high for the piping, That was the end result, (except i used a few more sides). If you plan on subdividing you'll want to start with more sides.
ZacD: I completely agree! this was my main reference for the wall http://i.imgur.com/qMSDx.jpg
And I definitely did get too focused on the fine line work on the face of the object and forgot to beef them up towards the edges/deeper cracks. Will see if i can add a 1-2 PX stroke on the lines and clean up the tips.
Been itching to do some highpolies, So I'm going to start an eye sensor/keypad piece this morning. I'd like to finish the HP in one day, Then LP/bake/ texture over tomorrow and probably the next day. Unless I work supper quick.
Thanks for all the feedback guys ^^
AbKI: Thanks bud. I'm sure i'll get the texturing more accurate to their style as i do more and more assets. In theory. ^^
CougarJo: Thanks ! More to come soon.
Little WIP! Gonna redo the grip wrap once i sculpt a proper alpha for it in the Bl style (used an old noisy one I had) and ad another piece hanging from tubs off of it, That will connect to the piping on the right. It'll make more sense ones its all finished. its an Erridium fueled security unit ^^
Realistic View port screen grab.
*WIP HP REMOVED To keep things light, Look below*
lemme know what you guys think. Its an Erriduim fueled security scanner. The thing on the right will be a thumb print scanner, The other is a security code and eye scanner.
I agree some of the lines in the wall texture need to be a lot thicker (and perhaps less of them) to better match the Borderlands style.
That pipe texture looks great and the scanner high poly is really nice
Keep up the great work!
Did you use Zbrush for the tape wraps?
Loving where you're going with all of this.
ForbiddenDonut: Thanks, And yes. zbrush for the tape on the sides and (supposedly) cloth wrap on the handle. Materials should read a bit better once texturing is done. About 2/3 way done with inking atm. So hopefully I can finish up the texture tomorrow. Been kinda a busy week. Just wanna get this piece wrapped up so i can move on to floor textures and trim pieces, and actually start getting things in the scene.
The black pipes/tubes and lens will have panners/emissives/other material junk in engine to make them look cool. So don't mind their plainness atm.
My only hang up is what to make the "key color" (as if that was a term). But you guys will know what i mean. I don't know if i should make it just another shade of the metal, and fairly descrete, Or go with a nice flashy color. Which looks awesome, But might not make sense for the object.
I did a sheet with just a handful of colors, testing the water, But not sure how I feel about them.
Feel free to do paint overs and hue/sats and lemme know what you guys think. Or simply suggest a color/value and i can throw it on the model in 2 seconds and report back with an image
2k Diffuse/Normal. Going to be Cut in half for final prop. 2500~ tris. Mesh will be separated into the scanner, The switch, and the thumb scanner. So i can use all 3 independent of each other in level.
Previewed in Marmoset
Edit: Need to tone back some of the grunge. Imagine it slightly less grungy/noisy
Great work so far
Modebloggen: Thanks man. Block out on your level is looking cool! And glad to hear you like the textures ^^