Real time


There are some weird lines that act sort of as a specularity even though in the material modifiers is at 0. Please if you can help me get rid of those since I was going for a more realistic skin.
I get the same problem with other materials such as the default SkinShade and I never encountered the problem with other projects. Maybe the light is messed up but I can't tell for sure since I was not experimenting much with it...
PS: I know the model is lacking a lot of details.
There I used the Lights and Mat from
... I don't get it... :S
There this is on lowest subdivision... Anyway the wierd effect is noticeble mainly on the head although it is a full body model.
Witch Zbrush vesion are you using?
I exported my model and then imported it so I can wield the torso, arms etc. and then it shrank a lot
I think that's when it started showing the weird thingies all around it...
I have no UV on in just a basic polypaint ....
I spent 20 h into anatomy on the model I'd really hate to throw it away.