Hi guys I've recently finished my BA in games design during which I first focused on Environment art and then started to split my focus towards VFX as well

All of these scenes are in UDK made with Maya, Photoshop and a little Mudbox the VFX stuff I made was animated screens, fire effects, rain, rain drops, holograms and fireflies. To see more images here is the complete portfolio:
and here is a little walkthrough I recorded:
any feedback would be much appreciated
It helps to have your own domain name too.
Get your name on homepage as well. Also where you live.
Each piece can use more info. Maybe a break down of art assets and such.
Don't use Image for Resume. Go PDF or MSWord.
Change that slide show into something that people can actually right click and save images.
StoneCave and Mayan don't have thumbnails at the bottom.
Sry I can't give feedback on the pieces themselves.
In the other two pieces, I'm not really sure I'm supposed to be looking at. There's doesn't really seem to be a focal point, and to me they seem to bring down the quality of the portfolio overall. The rain is way too thick in your Mayan piece, and similarly in the stone age cave, I'm not really sure what I'm looking at. Whilst you say it's a cave, it looks like some trees and rocks. I think you're getting there, just need to give the pieces more attention and love
in the first scene I placed the spaceship infront of a sun (unfortunatly it's not really visible in the screenshots that I've taken which I should fix aswell)
as for the cave I made a small outside scene that leads into the cave (there is a screenshot of it in the portfolio but as pyr pointed out the lack of thumbnails which I'm guessing makes it difficult to find the others. I've just fixed that :P)