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Volkswagen Golf Mk2

polycounter lvl 8
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Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
Hi there!

I've been working on this model way too long now without showing you guys any progress. I'm having a hard time getting it done, mainly because I find it hard to find time after work (small game company). I try to work atleast around an hour a day on it from now on :)

Anyway, here are some pictures!


Some wires:

I'm currently working on the interior:

The wheels will be replaced. I got them from a friend for now just to give the car some stance. The engine, exhaust and suspension are also on the todo list.

I'm also not sure about the current color. I also like it in a light blue:

C&C always welcome :)


  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Looking really nice, but why the formula 1 tires ? Also your images are very aliased, thats really not necessary, and if you use a platform, bevel it and give it more polys atleast. Aside that, good job
  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for your comments :) The wheels/tires are placeholders for now. I want to change them to a more 80's kind of rim, ATS Cup wheels for example.
    I'll change the platform, and yes.. the images are currently copy paste viewport grabs without anti aliasing. Going to make proper images when the model is done :) Thanks!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    How about orginal golf 2 rims?

  • St.Sabath
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    St.Sabath polycounter lvl 11
    Needs Schmidtz wheels!!!!!or 3part BBS!!


  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the suggestions, I like the last one St.Sabath.

    What do you guys think of ATS Cup wheels:

  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    I quicly made the ATS Cup rim to see what it does :)



    Changed the images to higher res versions to sort of overcome the compression of imgur. If anyone knows a good image share tool that doesn't compresses it please let me know :)
    The new wheels suit the character of the car really well. I do like a golf :)

    Great work!
  • Pixelatedkiwi
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    Pixelatedkiwi polycounter
    This looks great! really nice attention to detail good job :)
  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11
    Looks really great! Are you going to do materials for the chairs and stuff too? :)
  • Free_Fall
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    Free_Fall polycounter lvl 8
    Looks really great! Are you going to do materials for the chairs and stuff too? :)

    I think the interior is still in highpoly stage :p
  • silkroadgame
    Nice model,the new wheel's looking much better!
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Hey nice work man, this came along well since I last saw it!
  • St.Sabath
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    St.Sabath polycounter lvl 11
    Hey man,yeah ATS cups are nice,though as a big VW fan i must insist you try them Schmitz(last pic)that i posted,aswell as the BBS 3 parts,both of them are kiinda a cult thing within the VW world,but i guess you already know that,because you modeled ATS cup wich are also cult rims :)

    Try it man,itll look sweet,especially on the black car.
    Also noticed you 're missing the rear GTI 16v badges on the back,aswell as the exhaust(and please dont slap on a punk ass non standard exhaust :) )Youre also missing 16V headlights(double)

    Oh and kudos for using thin bumbers ,and not G60 bumpers!
    Though the 16V bumpers(thin ones have a small thin red line in them ..)

    Sorry for being picky ,its my favourite car(have 1x MK1 16v webers and 1x MK216v KR sitting in my garage) hehe sry about that :)
  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you all for your comments, I appreciate that a lot :)

    LANKUS MAXIMUS Thanks! Yes the now 'old' wheels were a gift from Free_Fall when I just began with this model to give it some stance. When started modelling they looked pretty cool. But now I think that a more 80's kind of look fits the car better.

    Pixelatedkiwi Thank you!

    Auldbenkenobi & Free_Fall Thanks! Yes the interior is still HP. But of course, when baked I'm going to texture the interior also. I still need to model all of the smaller details first. Such as the seatbelts, gearnob, handbrake etc.

    Xoliul Your comment makes me smile :) Thanks for your help back then with the shader!

    St.Sabath It's good to have someone like you having a look at it :) I was not sure at first what bumpers to put on. So I went looking for pictures of an original Mk2. A lot of the pics I found at first where all modified cars. So that caused a bit of confusion. Is this the extra red line you mean on the 16v bumpers? It also seems to go along the 'side bumper' ?


    Oh no please do! I'm also a big car fan and I know that those car-specific-details can make a car or not. If I find the time I will make the Schmitz wheels and put them on a black one.
  • St.Sabath
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    St.Sabath polycounter lvl 11
    Yes those are the standard issued "thin bumpers"(pre '87),with the red line in them.the red line on the side aswell,the wheel arch covers are also standard,and help to beef up the car a bit in relation to the early 8v.
    The door handles on the 16v had a chrome strip on them.
    The pre '87 golfs had the side mirrors mounted on the doors themselves,and had a 2nd triangle window in the front doors.
  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    St.Sabath Thanks for the facts :) Another question: What are the codenames for the engines used in the Mk2 Golf? I know for BMW's it is something like M10 or M20 engine. What are the VW engines called? I'm looking for some reference for the engine :)
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    Widebody it and keep the slicks. Ls1 swap and full roll cage, full on track car. :)

    Nah, But really, This is looking cool! I'm a sucker for sleepers, so seriously, put a V8 under the hood....:D
  • KMiklas
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    KMiklas polycounter lvl 9
    Dayum, nice. Really nice.

    *saves pics* :)

    Take a closer look at the area which is being cleaned by wipers, make sure it matches their axis and range.
    Really nice model,the new wheels look a lot better on the model. Also do you mind going over your general workflow for a project like this?
  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    s620ex1 Haha! Thanks man, cool idea! However I want to go more towards the original look with this model. :) Though I'm not sure about what to engine to put in..

    KMiklas Thank you! Yes you are right.. They don't match up with the wipers right now, I will fix that. BTW you have some very good looking car models on your website! Looking good!

    VESIUS I'm planning to do a short 'Making Of' kind of PDF. To show how I went from start to finish. I might also add in some tricks and tips :)

    Anyway I finished the low poly interior model and made a quick normal bake. I still need to go over the normalmap and fix some of the errors. I also made a start on the diffuse texture, which is now very WIP!

  • -Em'-
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    -Em'- polycounter lvl 8

    Realy dig the renders,

    i'm starting to model a car and I wanted to know what is the best way to achieve what you did : are you doing a high poly ? + baking ? Or is it just some old good poly modeling ?

    Like i can see you did a high for the interior, but i can't say if your exterior is high or low !

    Keep it up !
  • snoops3d
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    snoops3d polycounter lvl 12
    Looking really good,
    Depending on how close you can get to the interior you may want to soften the shapes of the seats they are looking a bit hard and flat currently

  • Fizzly
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    Fizzly polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the comments :)

    -Em'- I'm glad you like it! With this one I just wanted to make a car without too much of a hazzle, just for fun. So yes it is just some good old poly modeling indeed. Also when rendering it with for example using Xoliul's shader, I find the results good enough. Considering the lack of a normalmap. However when I look now at some of the edges of the model, they are a bit too hard if you get close. So if you really want to spend some time on it getting it perfect you can do a HP of course. If it is for fun and you want to finish it, just go for the good old poly modeling ;) Very nice Dragunov btw, that is some serious work there!

    snoops3d Thanks for the tip :) Currently I don't have a spec and gloss map yet. And in the last image it is being renderd with a low spec and quite high gloss value, don't ask why haha.. I need to refine it indeed. But the normals themselves are quite smooth.
  • St.Sabath
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    St.Sabath polycounter lvl 11
    Yup heres the list of engine codes,aswell as a link to the error codes and optioncodes( ^^) if you need it:

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