Id much appreciate any help i can be given on this model im working on, im practicing anatomy and im making this in order to have something to work from for characters instead of starting from scratch each time.
Any help would be much appreciated thanks.

[ame=""]ZBrush Digital Sculpting Human Anatomy eBook: Scott Spencer: Books[/ame]
Is that what you're basing it on?
Here's a quick paint over.
Please forgive my handwriting.
Know where your bone landmarks are. Muscles connect to bone or tendon, and knowing where the surface bones are laid out (Iliac spine, ribs, acromion process, clavicle, etc.) will help you better place those muscles.
If you look at anatomy diagrams on the trapezius and how it's shaped, the red areas are muscle, which are the ones that usually bulge in muscular people. The white areas are tendon and remains flat like a sheet.
I am aware of the difference between tendons and muscles I just needed someone to point out what i got wrong, thanks again, ill make thees changes and post the results
Good luck and happy sculpting.
The scapula line is much clearer but you have it backwards. That's what it looks like on a skinny person. The scapula on a fairly muscular physique tends to sink between muscles like this guy:
as opposed to this one here
The knee area looks like it has a lot of tendons going on. The 4 heads of the quads all attach into one tendon that runs down along the knee much like how the triceps are.
It's coming together nicely Kyle, and yeah forearms are quite a pain.