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UDK Graveyard Shot

The Video


I posted this over at Epic's UDK forum, but I figured I'd post it here to for anyone that's interested. I created this as the first piece in a game portfolio I'm starting and I've built a new site for my self where I do a bit of a breakdown of everything: My site.

I'm looking for all sorts of feedback so fire away :)

I've also listed some of my blog posts related to the project below:

Scene WIP

Skull Grave Sculpting
Cross Grave Cloth
Cross Grave Sculpting
Cross Grave UV Work
Skull Grave WIP
Windy Grass
Software Clouds


  • Mr Significant
    Offline / Send Message
    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    There is no contrast in scene :< And it;s looks like Painkiller in 80's. Textures and lightning need more love.
  • Forgetful
    Thanks for the feedback on it :) I knew the contrast was low. I wanted it low as it was a night time scene, but it looks like you're right and I may have taken it down too far.
  • cmtanko
    Offline / Send Message
    cmtanko polycounter lvl 10
    I cant see much in the image as its too dark (even with that big moon ?). and what are those yellow light kinda thing in the wall or something ? Lighting might need some more work.
    Also in my opinion, to make the scene too creepy, the tree branch silhouette isn't helping much, you might need sharper kinda branches.
    maybe something like this
    Good going, just you need a point of interest (Contrast ?).
  • Mr Significant
    Offline / Send Message
    Mr Significant polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, the lightning is the point ^^

    I don't watch the video previously ( 'cause I'm lazy :D ) but the rain have more bolded "drops" in front of the camera, and smaller, sharper drops far away. I don't know how to solve it but looks weird.

    For the trees: like above, weld vertexs on the end of branches. Maybe you can remove that textures on the ends. That should helps.

    Do you have more screens?
  • Joopson
    Offline / Send Message
    Joopson hero character
    If I were you (I'm not, but if I were), I'd go more in this direction with the lighting. More contrast, mostly blue, with places are stark orange to really add some colour theory nonsense.
    Also, add some specular to those stones. Stone can be pretty speccy at times. (especially when it's raining!)

  • Forgetful
    Wow. Thanks for the responses everyone. I'm finding all of it really helpful.

    @cmtanko: I'll add some more branches/trees that occlude the moon to help bring in more of their silhouettes.

    @Mr Significant: You're right. Making those rain drops stand out a little bit more would help.

    @Joopson: I had a few paint over's that looked similar to what you've done, but the blues weren't as saturated. I like how the saturation gives some good contrast and I'll keep that in mind. My original pallete was blue and orange, then I strayed from that.... quite far.
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