Hi Guys,
When I export things out of Mudbox 2014 my geometry gets slightly jaggy.
I think what is going is that numbers of the vertex positions get rounded off to number with less decimals.
This is causing noticeable artifacts.
It happens when I export something from Mudbox 2014 as an .obj or .fbx
I found a workaround by using the connection to transfer it to Maya directly, and export to obj from there.
Anybody expecting similar behavior, or know what is causing this ?
hab big is it compared tho the mudbox man..?
i had this once with a huge terrain...
Objects transfered to maya first via the linking feature, and exported via as obj in maya, are clean when importing these in all above mentioned packages.
So it seems the noise is being caused by working at small scene sizes.
Pior did some tests with my model, and found that if you work at a scale 100x as big the problem doesn't happen.
I replicated the scale on my local machine, and the problem still persisted. But when using the send to maya/ send to mudbox buttons I get clean results.
So if any of you are experiencing the same problem of obj's with artifacts this is the workaround : Use send to maya and export the obj from maya, this will give you clean files.
what exactly did you do to replicate the scale in your local model ?
did you scale model inside Mudbox ? if so that is not suppose to work since mudbox doesnt have freeze transform and therefore the scale doesnt actually change.
does it work ?
its working fine...