Hi guys, i'm attempting to display a texture on screen for post process. In this case its a circle....
However the texture is stretched and squashed. It seems to take into account screen aspect. Is there any work around that will ignore the aspect ratio and allow the texture to display properly?
Also change your textures AdressX/Y setting from 'Wrap' to 'Clamp' to avoid tiling.
I've just tested it with a circle image and it's been some time when I did use textures for PPs :thumbdown:
Non-square textures should be fine, just change your texcoord node U/V tiling to (2,1).
+Right now we have an image that keeps the pixel aspect ratio, but can not resize. sorry to be so much trouble.
I don't exactly understand what you want, maybe you should draw a picture? :P
Actually yes that's what I was looking for ! Thanks a bunch man !
Hmm but im also wondering how do I get it stay center of the screen when the resize happens, check out the pictures below...
800 x 600
400 x 600 ( notice how the top and bottom of the screen expands up and down while the door stays centered.
What I'm wanting to do is have the post process behave exactly the same as how the screen resize works when changing resolution and aspect.
In this image, imagine that the red square is a texture in the center of the screen. notice the red arrows on the sides, they represent the amount of visual space between the image and the sides of the screen... also note the second image has the same visual distance to the sides even though the res and aspect have changed,, the only difference is the vertical, (which is different between the 2 images.)
Set the texture's X and Y address to "Clamp" in the texture properties if you don't want it to tile. The "Tiling" parameter controls how many times the image is tiled across the X axis of the screen.
Was someone pointing a gun at you and threatening to shoot unless you could do a postprocess or something? :P
Anyway, no problem. I hope I'll find a use for the shader myself in the future too...