Just stumbled on this while researching realtime renderers.
It says on the website that its free but I am not really sure thats 100% true.In the faq section:
It is stated that "you can use it for free and publish your games for free unless you are a commercial entity with annual gross revenues (based on prior fiscal year) in excess of US$100,000, or by an educational, academic, non-profit or government entity with a total annual budget for the entire entity (based on prior fiscal year) in excess of US$100,000".
So does that mean if u as a single user,makes above $100,000,u are exempted from paying a license?I understand there is a pro version of this engine for single users.
If at the end of the day,u will have to pay if u make over that amount,why is there a donate button.Its like the devs are trying to pass the engine off as opensource when its not.
To be specific, the SCAR-L in this screenshot. It was created by a guy called Broke and they haven't been given permission to sell it or give it away with the engine!
I think I am kinda done with realtime rendering.I will start focusing on realistic renderers from now on.Someone here pointed out that realtime rendering will probably take a lot of faking,coding,scripting to get results that mimic realistic renderers and will not be even close to what realistic renderers can achieve.
Realistic renderers shaders are easy to set up and use and they take time to render because they create better results.I guess I would just have to learn to occupy my time with other things when rendering.
Cool thing about realtime renderers is that u see what u get but I have realized that sometimes the best things come with a lot of patience and hardwork rather than looking for quick results.
Besides,Blender intends to integrate their game engine into their main app in future.When that happens, I can play around with it.
@Kosai106 How do u know this?I am pretty sure that they won't try something like that knowing the consequences.There is a possibility its the same type of model but was made by another artist and they look similar or the artist u mentioned donated the model for use in the engine.
I am not gonna lie.The engine looks really good.What I don't get is why there is a donate button when the engine isn't opensource or really freeware and there are conditions for it's use like the other commercial engines.
This makes no sense. Are you implying that realtime rendering is less skilful because we can view things in realtime? That somehow waiting for things to render means you have to work harder for a good result? You said yourself that non-realtime is easier. Implying that people work with realtime renders for "quick results" is dumb. It's an insult to every polycounter who has spent so much time learning tricks to make low poly assets look good.
Don't get me wrong.I am referring to myself.For a long time,I have been experimenting with realtime renderers including game engines for rendering out my animations(not games) and most times,I get dissatisfied with the results I get even after scaling the hurdles required to get good results,I have even tried rendering out in viewport 2.0,all in a bid to cut render times and get quick results cause of the challenges I face here.
I have finally come to realize that maybe waiting for an animation to render isn't that bad.There are also challenges involved in getting realistic renders to look good.
Realtime rendering might even be more complex and technical in order to get good results.By waiting for things to render,I mean it can be frustrating because if u made a mistake with a shader or texture,or the animation does not look right,or a rig goes haywire,just think of how long u would have to wait again to re-render.That can affect progress in executing a project.
So there,I am not insulting anyone.Art is art whether realtime or not,2d or 3d.
I'm a friend of Broke, and while he is giving out the model for free, he never allowed anyone to sell it or give it out for free themselves with their engine.
Here's a video of said model, released by Broke himself.
Holy shit. That is most definitely the same gun, you can tell by the scratch patterns, and the text.
It does look like the gun in the engine.Did he state if the model could be used for commercial purposes?If he did,it might be the reason why this happened.There is also a possibility this model is only available in the free version.
However,I do feel there's something off about the way the devs of this engine are going about their project.They are accepting donations towards the development of their engine but what do donators get?Are they still going to be subjected to the same license requirements?I don't know and if they are making use of free assets created by others instead of making their own or are not getting the consent of the original creators to avoid problems is just wrong.