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1 unit difference 3DS max

polycounter lvl 13
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HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
Hi all, ok this is real mind bender or i did something wrong.

ok here is the problem 1280-768=512 then you divide 512 / 2 = 256

Now the issue with the given numbers im having is I have one large cylinder floor with diameter of 1280, on top of it I have another cylinder floor with 768 diameter. After aligning the 768 diameter floor on the large 1280 floor I should have 256 units on each side but guess its giving me 257 o.O wt*

This is part of my modular environment and 1 unit difference is = nightmare in UDK. :poly122::poly122:


  • FicWill
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    FicWill polycounter lvl 17
    Does your cylinder come to a point where you're measuring?
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    Yup , its quite weird. Any how i did some other approach to avoid that, but still I would like to know if someone know about why is this happening.
  • Mark Dygert
    1st, it would be good to post your fix so other people who stumble on this thread while looking for answers might get one ;)

    2nd, one thing it could be...

    How many sides does the cylinder have? Is it divisible by 4?
    If not, your cylinder could have 2 flat sides (East and West) and 2 pointy sides (North and South). The diameter across the flat sides is shorter than the diameter across the pointy.

    If you use a cylinder with the number of sides that is divisible by 4, you will always get points at each of the compass points (North-South, East-West).

    Multiple of 4 cylinders also makes them easier to texture because you can mirror it (half) or quarter mirror all 4 of the directional quadrants.
    With 18 sided cylinders you can only mirror it in half, not quarter it.

    This is why most game artists stick to cylinders with a number of sides that are divisible by 4 (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32...).
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    mmh yeah math is math, i don't see how you couldn't have the right measure here. The radius is between origin and vertices not edges.
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    Hi, Thanks Mark. Well there is no solution, I always use 12 18 sides and add extra edge in between to avoid spec seams.

    See what you did is exactly what i did but for some still unknown reason it did not work i was having 1 unit difference still. ah sigh.

    Well the avoiding method is that I made a plane with my desired width, then kept adjusting its length and using bend modifier until I get the 25% circle. Mirrored it 3 times and voila a full circle in modular approach. After that for bigger floor (outer) I chose the width again and used the same length as the first one and it wrapped around the inner circle just fine. Repeat steps of mirroring and you get 2 full circle floors that are modular and can be Unwrapped flat :D.

    Hope it helps.
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