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Borderlands 2 UDK remake

polycounter lvl 8
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Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
Hi polycount!
I´ve been working on this environment and i allready finished it, its the Sanctuary fast travel station from Borderlands 2, this was my first UDK environment, so here it is:

New stuff:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2TQUVO8h0"]Sanctuary Remake UDK - YouTube[/ame]




Have Fun!


  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    I really like this, I have some feedback which might be useful though. I'm by no means an expert so take my crit with a pinch of salt.

    I think the lighting needs work. It looks to me like you have a skylight in the scene, which illuminates absolutely everything in a uniform way. You have those long strip lights and not a huge amount of them either, so it looks unrealistic. These lights also have a slight blue hue to them, but the lighting of the scene is pure white. There's not really any shadows in your scene. You want the viewer to be able to identify where the light is coming from instantly.

    In the last shot, the black scratches on the floor texture look way too uniform and similar. Other than that, I really like the concrete textures.

    Also in the last shot, the corner of the chest has a weird lighting issue going on. This is probably due to a problem with your smoothing groups and is quite a simple fix.

    Just a small thing but I might slow the camera down a tad in your fly-through, It's hard to see what's going on when the cameras moving really fast and you want people to see your work.

    In your 2nd shot, maybe enable emissive lighting on that prop on the left so you get a nice blue glow on the floor in front of it.

    I'd also maybe add a sobel edge filter to really pop those props out.
  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    @nathanbarrett: You are right, im not soo good at lighting i should check those things out a little bit more, thanks for the reply too, im shure it will help me to make it way better!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I think many would agree with me that lighting has to be the MOST important thing when making an environment. I have seen levels before filled with complete crap for art but using some game engines lighting to the fullest and pulling it off.

    If I were you, I would sit down and really work on the lighting here until you get a good grasp of it. The art itself actually looks really cool so its totally worth the effort.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    superquicky paint-over.

    I agree with the previous posters, I do believe there are things you can do lighting-wise with this scene. You might want to explore some options before you call it done :) But either way, really nice work so far man.
  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    I remade the lighting and updated the images, what do you thing about it now?
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    I haven't played much B2 but at first I thought you posted gameplay and were going to use that as a concept. This is incredible looking already, can't wait to see the finished environment!
  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    I remade the whole scene illumination, video and images have been updated, let me know how you feel about it now! :)
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br2TQUVO8h0"]Sanctuary Remake UDK - YouTube[/ame]



  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Great work, it looks pretty much identical to the in-game environment. You should try to land a job at Gearbox haha.
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