wow, not much time left, decided to do knuckles on his floating island, with chaos lurking in the background and maybe chao if I have the time to spare! :poly124:
Looking good so far! I would say the top of the edging near knuckles needs to have that brick texture on it instead of the grass. Also I noticed that eggmans ship thrusters aren't sorting properly. Do you have them all as one mesh? If you do they will sort better as separate meshes. Also it might be worth darkening the scene a little bit to try and make the emerald pop! looking forward to the next update.
thanks guys, tweaked the textures a bit, separated the thrusters geo and posed!
that edging near knuckles is like that in game, so i just added some overhanging foliage to make it look more natural
slowgress, some transparency issues with chaos, I'll try to sort that out.
now to tweak/scale down textures and pose!
that edging near knuckles is like that in game, so i just added some overhanging foliage to make it look more natural
I'm calling this done! it was fun!