Here is a substrata entry me and
SveinY made, he did most of the highpoly sculpting and texturing for tileable parts(ground, rock, moss).
I did setup the scene inside udk and modeled most of the lowpoly's and modular pieces.
Feedback is very appreciated
I'm assuming that you're trying to create the effect of a sunset, with the sun setting to the left. If that's the case, the tower on that side would be bathed in an orange/red/pink light and the gradient of the sky dome would have a bigger transition from from orange/red/pink to blue/purple.The suns rays will be travelling paralell to the horizon line, so the effect would be quite stark.
Have a look at photos of sunsets. Bare in mind that they can heavily 'color' your work, and that the areas in shadow will be pretty dark.
Hope that helps
However back on this scene again.
I changed the lava over to water I am also going for a more dramatic lighting this time around, have quite a few things left to do on the lighting there is 2 directional light atm and the GI.
I am going to re-export all the meshes as fbx files since the ase format did mess with my uv's some places.
The church needs quite a overhaul too, way too boring and made almost completely from cobblestone, also a few more props some rope and maybe some torches.
Would love some more critics on this, since I know it's far from what I can be
Great textures. What engine is this?
LordSebbington: I am going to redo parts of the tower, so the top will either get some sort of light fixture or light in a window, cause I do agree with you that it's nothing there to keep the viewers attention. Also wanting to do some sort of crashing waves and water particles at the shore.
Mr Significant: We are using udk, only me doing the in-engine work
I will take your advise to have some mountains at the horizon, also thought about doing a ship wreck or something to break up the horizon some.
Gannon: mm, it is a bit to dark, I will try out adding a rim or fill light on Monday, since I am gone until then
Working mainly on the church atm.
All in all really great work!
I have been working on the water and the church
Water reads a bit better with the transparency now. Had a quick google image search for water at night and from what I can see water acts as a mirror the darker the day gets.
mm, I agree the water might not be realistic but I do like what it's looking like atm, if that makes sense
Will be posting breakdowns in not to long.
Very nice work!
I look forward to seeing it develop!
seth.: you where not supposed to see that wave, it annoys me to ;D
Here is a little breakdown of the scene.
Highpoly props: all made by SveinY
Tileable Sculpts: SveinY did them except from the brick wall that was me.
Shots of the props for the scene: I did most of the lowpoly and texture work, SveinY did the pillar, the cross, chest and the bones.
A few of the modular pieces.
The tileable textures: I textured all except the top left and bottom right that was SveinY.
When I'm looking at the scene now, I think the stone pillar is waaaay to big; I mean the bricks are very, very huge.
You have a very nice sculpts!
Adding horizone was a good idea.
Keep this going!
Love it overall!
Mr Significant: I do agree with the ao I did overuse it in the textures(bad habit) and will keep that in mind on my next project
Something we wanted to do when completing this was making it available for download but we forgot it, so now when cleaning up parts of my hard drive I remembered it :P
Hope someone will find some use of it, the scene is not optimized at all and runs pretty badly.
Substrata_water.udk is the map, place under "UDKGame\Content\Maps"
Substrat_A is the package, place under "UDKGame\Content"