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[UDK] Long Abandoned City Street

polycounter lvl 9
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eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
Final Scene:













Original Post:

This portfolio project I started about a month ago, heavily inspired by the environments in The Last of Us. I'm still a pretty new environment artist, and this is only my second project in UDK. I've been posting a few images in the WAYWO thread, but I thought I could use some more detailed feedback and it probably deserves its own thread now.

Besides being heavily visually inspired by The Last of Us, my workflow in this piece is also heavily inspired by Naughty Dog's style. I wanted to personally make as many of the textures by hand as possible, relying on photo resources only rarely. The tiled texture sets for the main space are made in Zbrush, and this has been my first real try using Zbrush's systems for tiled output, so I think the results turned out alright.

Current screenshots (Still WIP of course):





I'll try and get up some pictures of texture sets later today as well.


  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    it looks good to me. i just feel like the bathroom tile looking slabs look kind of random. especially since the building next to it doesn't seem to have any structural damage to it. thats another thing, you have vines growing on the buildings, windows boarded up and broken windows, but I don't see any structural damage at all. for an abandoned street, it seems kinda maintained O_o
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    luge wrote: »
    it looks good to me. i just feel like the bathroom tile looking slabs look kind of random. especially since the building next to it doesn't seem to have any structural damage to it. thats another thing, you have vines growing on the buildings, windows boarded up and broken windows, but I don't see any structural damage at all. for an abandoned street, it seems kinda maintained O_o

    I guess I should have panned up a bit.
    The slabs on the street are from this bit of damage, caused by an explosion inside the building. I guess I could have gone further with scene-wide structural damage, but this was really my first try building modular sets for buildings, so I didn't want to be too ambitious with damaging them.
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    ok, its all good, it just seemed very random to me since i didn't see anything to support those pieces. but it does look good. really digging.
  • Stoy79
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    Stoy79 polycounter lvl 3
    Environments isn't really my specialty, but, my personal feeling is there should be much more damage to the cars. Clearly a very long time has passed (judging by the growth of the vegetation and also hinted by the title :) ) but the cars seem to have been there for a much shorter time (I’d say 5 years tops). Personally, I’d expect much more deterioration, like rust, flat tires, very opaque and dirty windshields, maybe even moss or other vegetation growing on them.
    Otherwise it's very atmospheric - I like it a lot. :)
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Stoy79 wrote: »
    Environments isn't really my specialty, but, my personal feeling is there should be much more damage to the cars. Clearly a very long time has passed (judging by the growth of the vegetation and also hinted by the title :) ) but the cars seem to have been there for a much shorter time (I’d say 5 years tops). Personally, I’d expect much more deterioration, like rust, flat tires, very opaque and dirty windshields, maybe even moss or other vegetation growing on them.
    Otherwise it's very atmospheric - I like it a lot. :)

    Yeah, that's an aspect I'm thinking of going further with. I was thinking I could possibly do a vertex blending effect with both rust and moss. On top of properly aging the cars, it could also differentiate them some more by varying the ways I paint them.

    Anyway, here's a look at some of my tiled texture sets, all made in Zbrush.




  • iflingpoo
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    iflingpoo polycounter lvl 18
    Hey this is looking awesome! I would suggest some garbage on the ground rather than just having bricks and moss everywhere. I'd imagine some garbage would be flying out from the open sections of building and such, would also add a nice touch of color and variation to the ground you have.

    Have you tried adding a different colored fog? Could be just me but the overall scene is very yellow and green. Maybe play around with some of the stock LUT's and see what you can come up with.

    I'm digging your Zbrush tiles, whats the process you used for creating them? I've been trying to build some good tiling textures myself in zbrush but always have problems.
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    iflingpoo wrote: »
    Hey this is looking awesome! I would suggest some garbage on the ground rather than just having bricks and moss everywhere. I'd imagine some garbage would be flying out from the open sections of building and such, would also add a nice touch of color and variation to the ground you have.

    Have you tried adding a different colored fog? Could be just me but the overall scene is very yellow and green. Maybe play around with some of the stock LUT's and see what you can come up with.

    I'm digging your Zbrush tiles, whats the process you used for creating them? I've been trying to build some good tiling textures myself in zbrush but always have problems.

    I've spent a ton of time trying to figure out how my color scheme should flow. Right now I have bright white fogginess in the distance with deeper yellow/orange lighting in the immediate area.

    Still, your comment got me thinking, and I ended up going back through my inspiration folder that I haven't looked at since a lot earlier in this project. Came across these concept images from The Last of Us.



    Firstly, it's just kind of surprising to me how I really ended up emulating the exact structure and style here in terms of my modeling and texturing. Still, it also makes me see the difference in the qualities of my lighting and theirs. I'm thinking I may go through some of it again, so thanks for drawing my attention to that aspect.

    As for my Zbrush tiling work, I got started with that by following this tutorial:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNgs2DcAsF4"]ZBrush Tileable Textures 01 - 2.5D Workflow - YouTube[/ame]

    Really powerful workflow and he explains it pretty well.
  • Kuki
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    Kuki polycounter lvl 8
    Hey man, nice work so far!

    I am really digging your damaged tarmac texture, did you used procedural noise or brushwork?... Would you mind sharing how you did it and maybe a closeup of the texture in-engine, that bumpiness is looking nice.

    Regarding the environment, I think it's looking nice, maybe a little too busy. I think you should differentiate more your dominant colours, right now you got too much brown/orange scattered on top of everything :)

    Also I am not convinced about the trees you got in the scene. To me the trunks are too gigantic currently, I would revise the proportions.
  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    I'll probably take a look at that tutorial. Also, I agree that the cars need to be a bit more damaged/dirty, but I don't think you should do it with vertex painting, just because that becomes more work than is needed, and its not like you're going to see the same side of the car everywhere, or the same car everywhere. since you already have it pretty broken up, its fine the way it is. what I would do to break up how the cars look, is placing different things next to them to break up what you see of the cars.

    Remember, you have assets and things already done that you can use instead of adding and making more. so just use that to your advantage.
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Been working as promised on getting my lighting and colors into a better state. Trying to get away from the really atonal green-yellow look I had before. Still lots of other feedback to work on, as well as just more things to add, but I'm happy with these changes for now, and I'm looking forward to finishing up this environment and moving on.



    And I put together a few more looks at my tiled texture sets:


  • JoshVanZuylen
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    JoshVanZuylen polycounter lvl 5
    This is awesome work mate!
    Just something I noticed on your last tile texture is that you can see the sculpt marks, and it does not look like normal wate.
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    This is awesome work mate!
    Just something I noticed on your last tile texture is that you can see the sculpt marks, and it does not look like normal wate.

    Yeah, some of my textures were definitely rush jobs. I still tried to make the effort to get high quality sets for tiling elements, but on certain textures I was willing to blow past high frequency sculpting detail to meet my deadline. Really, this whole project was a rush job, so I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did.
  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    its just great awesome work bud love your patience with details its just awesome
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Calling this project done, since I need to move onto other stuff and its also just driving me crazy. Gonna take a break from working for a bit and just relax after this one.













  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    If you do plan to revisit, the main tree needs better structure, looks too low poly atm and unnatural. The trunk width is massive! I mean look at that compared to a car!? I understand it's been awhile but screams outta scale for me. Better ref?


    Great job on everything else though.
  • ReneFisher
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    ReneFisher polycounter lvl 6
    Small world, I remember seeing this in a workshop/demo at SCAD not too long ago, haha.

    I say you did a pretty great job though! Your lighting and attention to detail is especially impressive. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more work. :)
  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    ReneFisher wrote: »
    Small world, I remember seeing this in a workshop/demo at SCAD not too long ago, haha.

    I say you did a pretty great job though! Your lighting and attention to detail is especially impressive. Keep it up, I can't wait to see more work. :)

    Huh, I go to SCAD (about to start my second year in the fall), but I've definitely been out for summer all while working on this project. Do you mean you saw work from The Last of Us at some point, or is someone literally showing off my work while I'm not around?
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