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I am facing a major problem with Fusion 6.4 x64

I made a composition on fusion 6.4 x64 in which there is a Background (forest image) and Foreground Video file of tiger on green screen (tiger.mp4). The comp. size is 5000x3000...the tiger footage I imported is of 1280x720. When I use the ultrakeyer on the Tiger file, it cleans out the footage but the output makes the main background(comp) black , but when I open this same composition on another PC with Fusion 5.2 then this black background problem does not occur....I am able to work there but in here Fusion 6.4 x64 the background gets black.

I checked everything and settings...

please I need urgent help in this

here is a sceenshot of the problem... http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9490/2mwx.jpg

The same composition works perfect on other PC with FUSION 5.2 without changing any setting...tiger footage is clear and background dosnt go black...

left window is my background and the right one is my foreground with Tiger.mp4 footage which is keyed out


  • Eric Chadwick
    Well, first off you can turn off capslock. No need to shout.

    Secondly, this is a forum for game artists. Can't hurt to ask your question here, but I doubt anyone is using Eyeon products regularly. Have you checked out their Support page? A ton of resources there... http://www.eyeonline.com/Support.html
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    If the issue is the preview only and on another PC (I'm assuming your vs. a workstation) and the final output doesn't have any kind of issue, then it's most likely a degradation setting used on lower end PC's to help with the preview.

    I don't use Fusion, but this is a common settings in most applications to help with performance.
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