I'm working on a tiling wall currently and was wondering.....is there a fundamental difference between keeping my uv's in the (0,1) domain and tiling the crap out of my maps via the material editor versus not tiling my map at all and simply scaling the uv's across domains until it looks correct? I can't think of a reason but it's something I never thought about before?
I had one other technique specific question. I had tried multiple ways to unwrap this sucker and cannot get rid of the seam that runs along the top of the wall where I put the center line (coming from cinematics I don't generally have to worry about tiling anything). Either I split the UV dead center at the top of the wall or I keep it together and get a seam where the back of the wall meets the top. Should I just build something on the top of the wall to hide the seam or is there some super tricky way of setting up my UVs?