Welcome to 2D Noob Challenge August 1st-15th, 2013!
To be clear, if you're bad at 2D, this challenge for you! It's all about learning!
The objective of these bi-weekly sessions is to allow people to teach one another the practical skills needed to be a concept artist for video games and entertainment. As opposed to just trying to create a pretty picture, we're going to be creating art that can be used by 3D artists in a production pipeline.
For each bi-weekly session we will focus follow the art style of a game. This way, it teaches participants to adapt to a particular art style and it gives everyone something to work with! In addition to that we're going to urge you guys to put emphasis on one fundamental 2D art skill while working on your concept art.
For this session, we're going to focus on something extremely simple to get things kickstarted!
THEME: Mass Effect (SCI-FI)
THEME SPECIFIC CONCEPT ART EXAMPLES: http://imgur.com/a/eHBd2CONTEXT: Storage Props (Crates, Barrels, Gun Locker, etc.)
FUNDAMENTAL FOCUS: Use of reference
GUIDELINE/EXAMPLE WORK: http://imgur.com/a/MPC1B
Please feel welcome to suggest games to use as themes, the context, and fundamental focus for next session!
1. Try your best to finish what you start, this is a great habit to get into as it progresses your skills as an artist.
2. Give critique to at least one previous person's submission for every post that you make.
3. Please only post your submissions to this thread as opposed to littering P&P with them.
4. Feel free to submit as many concepts as you like, and try your best to follow the guidelines.
5. Share your workflow, techniques, and try to build off of one another's concepts.
6. Within your submission, show your process if possible.
7. Try your best to follow the guideline provided in the thread.
8. Have fun!
Remember, we're here to provide constructive critiques (paint-overs included) to one anothers work for the sake of getting better, so don't hold back and be sure you can take critique yourself!
Also, you can add Alex, the creator of the 3D Noob Challenges on skype, and he will add you to our new 2D group!
Skype: alexmasterofcats
(Make sure to tell him you want to join the 2D noob challenge when you add him.)
Suggestions on how we can improve this challenge are greatly encouraged!
Here's my entry as an example:

I remember some of the lockers and stuff in ME1 were such simple shapes.
@Hayden Zammit:
Great start, I like the sketches you've posted so far! My only suggestion would be to have a variation in details within each part of your design. You have some decent base shaapes, but now all you need are some finer details/greebles. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
Let's see if I can get something done. xP
It looks like a 3 year old's crayon drawings.
10/10 best hangout ever.
Nah, just do whatever.
Nope, in fact I'll do a traditional one for fun tomorrow!
Oh, neat. I didn't even know that he had youtube tutorials.
I think i'll be in a little disadvantage because i do traditional and take photos with my phone^_^.And anyway these is the first challenge i take part of,and with my horrible drawing skills... .Here to learn.:)
Was just watching a tutorial by Feng Zhu. He said something like 60% or 80% of work starts with 3D.
Thanks. Need more practice though.
He said in one of his books that he will lay out the tires of a new vehicle in Modo and start drawing on top of that, knowing that the tires are in the correct positions and perspective.
Tires would be one of the harder things to get right without a bit of an aid I'd think.
You can if you want. Just start drawing and post up some progress shots for people to critique. That's what these monthly challenges are about.
I started with basic shape,references were a image of a weapon that Brandon shared with us in the first post and a image searched by google(a bulldog ref).
Stage 2>Image
Started detailing the upper left part.
Stage 3> Image
More detail and started the middle upper part.
Stage 4 > Image
Detailed front part
Here is the overview so far : Image
Edit: Sorry for double post.
1.First shape:
2.Final product:
I'm always drooling over the Sketch threads. The recent works of Fightpunch and the Substrata crew have given me that push to join in with this.
The talk on 3D -2D workflow's is cool. I've only just started using it myself. It's helping a lot. Especially when I'm trying to exaggerate my fov or set up a dynamic angle. Feng's channel helped a lot.
Thumbnail time...
Just a reminder, Petru, remember to follow the context of what we're creating. I like your gun concept but it doesn't fit the criteria unfortunately! Also, don't forget to give critiques to at least one previous poster whether its a draw-over or just some simple suggestions.
In terms of getting several views in, you're welcome to do so if you're more experienced and have the aptitude to reconstruct your drawing in multiple orthographic views for the 3D artist to model.
Good to see more people participating!
Liking those ideas levigilbert. It looks like it's a weapon cache perhaps deployed from space ships or ground vehicles? Does it land by parachute, rockets, or does it just smash itself into the ground? That might help you decide on an outside shell at least.
I haven't done much scifi or mechanical drawing, so this will be a challenge. Here's my first attempt out of the way. Just some simple wall storage. I don't think it even fits the category as a prop, so it's back to the drawing board to make something less boring and a little more fitting to the challenge.
It's a cryogenic stasis chamber! It stores Human, Asari and Krogan alike, so that fits the criteria right?
In hindsight, I should've set down some perspective guides doing it but oh well lesson learnt.
@Petru, just to add to what Hayden said; try to think of a clear idea your design will communicate. Here's some pistols to illustrate my point:
Big, square, angular and chunky design
Swooping, curved, sleek, and relatively thinner design.
You can see that both pistols communicate clear, distinct design motifs. My two cents, hope that helps.
Your cryogenic chamber looks good.The one opened is kinda messy because the openage system is hardly visible,the upper plate it kinda looks like it was opened with some cables or something like that.
Hey, I think this is cool. Looks really sleek and minimalistic for the most part. If it were me, I'd ditch the big pipes and maybe try something else.The problem I have with that is you have that holo-terminal there. The big pipes seem like they'd be too low tech compared to the rest.
I started working on a weird concept that popped into my head when i was watching Red Dwarf
Then I remembered that we're supposed to be conforming to the mass effect style. So i stopped.
Haven't played any of them but I'm going to go do some research and develop something more 'sleek'. Perhaps a self-opp machine, like the one in prometheus..
Lankus - Those colors are making me feel greasey inside
Spent a bit roughing out general shapes and random things to get my mind going, still haven't got anything that jumps out at me. Trying to get back in the habit of the whole thumbnails -> sketches -> final process rather than skipping ahead. It doesn't look like much now but eeh its a start. Anyone else care to share some thumbnails?
Attempted some sort of weapons locker or apparently arcade machine but having hard time shifting to sleek designs!
Nice shapes people!
I fail at 2d
It's a Salarian inspired sniper rifle.
I look forward to the next one anyway