New to these boards but I've been building various mods for games for the past 15 years now. For the last few months, I've been working on the interiors of the U.S.S. Enterprise from the Original Series of Star Trek, with the goal of using the interiors as a setting for either a virtual walk through of sorts or a series of single player FPS missions.
A life-long Trekkie, the aim is to be as accurate and true to the show as possible. I have not and will not make any attempt to "spruce up" the sets by adding any more detail that wasn't there in the series. If there was a plain grey wall on the show, a plain grey wall it will be in-game.
Anyhow, here's some shots showcasing some of the work I've done. These are all to be considered WIP, as I am constantly going back and revising areas.
All meshes built in 3ds Max or ZBrush, rendered with UDK.

Let me know what you think! I've only been using UDK, 3ds Max, and ZBrush since January, so I've been learning as I go, as all my experience is with older modelling programs. Any technical criticism is welcome.
Also, if anyone is interested lending a hand with the project, please PM me. I'm glad to do as much as I can by myself, but will need the help of animators and programmers if I'm ever to make a single-player game out of these assets I've created.
good job bud