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Accidental GW2 Non-Fan Fan Art (WIP, crits please)

How should I make this long story short?
I've never played Guild Wars, although after this, I definitely want to.
Needless to say, when my friend posted a picture of a beautiful woman with tree limbs for hair, I made no connections.


So I dove in, got tons done. Then was told it was from guild wars, so I just went my own direction and ran with it.
So here is were I am now.


The only things really on my list to do are leaves in her hair. And I wanna put a nice sheer long half shirt on her.

Please feel free to do some paint overs or just written critiques. I really would LOVE it. =]


  • praetus
    Offline / Send Message
    praetus interpolator
    I think that some of the details are too small on the clothing. The leaf shoulder pad and the chains (are they chains) are so small. I feel like you could add quite a bit to them to make them stand out. Right now the chains feel like they would be instantly lost if the character was more than 10' away.

    One thing to keep in mind for the sylvari - they are not people who look like trees. They are trees who look like people. They actually went through a large redesign in development and if you look at early screen shots they look like people with leaves for clothes. The hair branches are a good start but I feel like you need to incorporate more into the design that shows off the fact that she is a plant.
  • Julia
    I completely agree on the chains. I'll definitely go bigger on them, and change up the leaf details and make them stand out.
    I really wanted to steer away from the actual sylvari. XD It was accidental. But I loved how they did turn the plant life into almost clothes. Maybe I need to push it more, you're totaly right. =]
    Thanks a ton! =D
  • RogelioD
    Offline / Send Message
    RogelioD polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great so far! Keep it up!
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