Update: this is going to be my final update for at least a few days, I do want to add more to the scene but for now it will have to do. I want to thank everyone for your comments on my first mini environment, they all helped me in some way.
I will take some individual shots of the different assets tomorrow when I have more time.

Hey everyone, I'm working on a small Halo style environment where I'm going to mix together some actual environmental concepts along with some of my own stuff. The main idea I'm using is something along the lines of the Halo hallway done by Rense de Boer that was on the Recap a while back (
http://www.artbyrens.com/a14.php). This is going to be done at a fairly quick pace so I should be posting updates daily and I want it done by Friday.
As always critiques and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also I will make sure to update this post along with posting each update.
First update: Crates.
Next up: Walls/Floors/ Ceilings
Then: Smaller props to populate the scene, (fusion core), tubing, computers...

Long Wall:


Floor #1:

Floor #2:

Current Pieces:
I will hopefully get some wires and goodies for you soon ish, probably not until the environment is done though since that is top priority at the moment
Good call, I do want to make a half size wall piece if I have time and I can incorporate that into it. The wall piece as it it can mirror and it can make more sense that way too.
yea i was thinking about this too... or you might not use it as a tiling wall but only between an other tiling texture as a way to break a more monotone but "usable" tiling wall.
Still i'm really liking the texturing style on these! very clean yet realistic and belivable. Keep it up!
Thanks, I do agree about the geo thing, it looks fine straight on but once you look at it from an angle it does it's normal map thing and loses the depth. I am making the floors right now that has some actual geo pipes to it so hopefully that will help. I want to make a 2nd pass on the walls and have one without the pipes and one with and when I do that I will look at adding more geo to them.
Thanks, that's what I've always like about the Halo style textures, at first glance they seem pretty clean but when you actually stop and look at it you see that there actually is some grime and wear and tear on the stuff.
Floor #1:
Floor #2:
I will take some individual shots of the different assets tomorrow when I have more time.