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Looking to improve my texturing skills

polycounter lvl 12
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Count Vader polycounter lvl 12
So I posted this piece a while ago, but I have since changed a few things so I figured rather than to try to resurrect the old thread I'd make a new one.

Anyways, this is the latest portfolio piece I've completed. I am currently trying to get really great at texturing, since I think I've more or less 'maxed out' my modelling skills at this stage (not to say I'm some insanely amazing modeller, but I'd like to emphasize texturing for now).

I've studied a lot of tutorial videos and have viewed tons of portfolios of great 3d artists trying to deconstruct their textures, but I've reached a point where I'm still never quite satisfied with textures when I finish.

I think this one is pretty good, but it is certainly missing a level of awesomeness that can be seen, for instance, here: http://www.artbullyproductions.com/portfolio/vehicles/index.htm

So if anyone here really knows their shit when it comes to texturing, and can offer some advice as to how I can get to a really professional level of awesomeness, please let me have it!







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