So I've been doing 3d modelling for a while now, and thought it was going ok. However when I've started comparing my work to the other pieces I see here and I realise just how horribly bad it is. Now sure a lot of the pieces here are from people who have worked on 3d modelling for 10+ years easily, but at this stage my work looks like something they could throw out if they were asleep and drunk.
So I figured I would ask people here for tips on how I could improve my work. Theres a link below to 3 seperate renders of my models. Feel free to rip me apart completely
Thank you.
Although I can see now its quite a way off in regards to the lighting :S
Do you have any high poly/baked normal maps applied to these objects? or is everything just modeled?
All of your work looks incomplete. They're not bad (in that they are all pieces you could work on and make something good out of them), but they need a lot of work. You can't cut corners (except for where it's smart to do so) and think people won't notice. They will. If you look at it and think "maybe they won't notice I did 'x'," fix it; because people will more than likely pick up your slop.
Figure out what you want to establish and work on with each piece and make sure you accomplish that. You might not get everything right, but if you at least accomplish what you set out to do then you've learned something and you have something to build on with the next project.
To Jet_Pilot:
I'll try and re-render a closer shot later on, just chose that angle as i wanted to show the difference between the interior and exterior lighting more.
Its just all modelled right now.
To dtschultz :
With the stadium I really have no idea how to improve it from there. Same with the other models tbh. This is pretty much the extent of what I can do. Hell I don't even really recognize ways in which it could be improved..
So, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you can't be serious. You're not saying you don't see the difference between the reference image and the image you created? If it's a question of technique in terms of how you accomplish something that's pretty easy to walk you through, but if you can't see the difference between those two images that's an entirely different problem. That's not about the limit of what you can do, that's a limit in perception or effort, one of the two.
Posting close ups would allow people to better see and give you crits. The stadium is a good example of something that I had to squint at to figure out!
Grant Warwick's Tutorial(Sub D Modeling)
Millenia's Weapon Creation Tutorial(Modeling, Baking, Texturing)
ZClassroom Tutorials(zbrush)
Racer445's Sword Tutorial(texturing)
Racer445's Binoculars Tutorial(Baking Normals)
Racer445's Sci Fi Prop Tutorial(Sub D Modeling)
Normal Map Threads:
Also, if you do follow along with the tutorials, I recommend not doing the exact same thing as them. Tons of people have tutorial props in their portfolios and it gets redundant for art directors to see, i imagine. It'd be the best use of your time if you follow along with a variation on the prop. Like a different gun, different design, etc.
To dtschultz :
Don't worry, I do see the difference in the images, its how to achieve them that I don't really understand. For example I wouldn't know how to start getting the textures to start looking correct, hell my texturing ability is pretty much akin to slapping some colour on, changing the speculatity a bit on the material and done, and lets not even get started on getting the light shafts and the arena lit up correctly.
To CatchingDust:
Pretty much see above. Your comment about breaking the smoothness up though is appreciated.
To CharlieD:
Well you hit the nail on the head there, pretty much all areas I have little to no experience in. It's all areas i've been meaning to learn, but before I make any real headroom I start jumping around between them. Really need to just choose one of them and become good at it.
Those tutorials are great find,and I really appreciate you linking them here
Th pillars (yellow cylinders) are out of scale compared to your reference
your missing a lot of details along the top and sides.
The inner water sphere is too dark as well.
Also, for a crit: your titanic model, the windows are a little wonky. Some are stretched more than others. And the portholes on the forecastle arent that big. And you're missing the anchor crane on the bow :P