I first want to say that I am self-taught. So don´t have been in any school or like that mabey shows. But constructive criticism is more then welcome.

I am not so good artist yet i think. I still only in my modeling fase. But i show you my first Picture.
It is a swedish PSG90 a swedish sniper rifle in the army.
I'm not big on my guns, and this is purely just comparing it to reference.
The shape around the grip hole the thumb should fit through should be defined a little more, it's actually a lot more convex and should slope in slightly more - same goes for where it meets just below the trigger guard, the shape requires a bit more definition. There's also a harder edge around where it meets the shoulder stock.
The objective bell should be slightly larger, and the elevation adjustment wheel also looks like it could use a bit more detail. Again, not big on my guns, so take this feedback as you please!