One of my favorite games from an artistic point of view, also I've always been curious of how/if it would work in 3D.
I've decided to replicate this environment and have a bunch of things happening in it. Currently blocking out the scene.
So far I only have some characters to show.
Characters WIP
Diorama WIP
can't wait for some environment pieces!
Been busy churning out the environment. Messy as hell right now but the shapes are coming together. Must admit it's been trickier than expected since the perspective is so skewed in the original making it a bit difficult to fit things together.
A rather big concern is the polycount. The scene is so immensely detailed. I'm hoping to replace some of floating geo (windows and other loose panels) with textures.
For Sketchfab goodness, check first post!
What bothers me is the shape of the environment. It really only works as a composition from one angle, which is the same one that is used in the original game; you've modeled it in 3D, but it's a 2D composition.
The only thing I fear is that the characters might get lost in such a large environment!
Make sure you get the hanging lights in there! I believe it will push the depth a bit more in the larger area of the scene.
@L3XICON: Indeed. I've scaled up the characters.
@haZe: Thanks, had almost forgot about the lights.
So while starting to get some props textured I redid the composition but still with reference to the original scenes. I'm liking this a lot more although there's some empty space to be filled. Right now I'm referencing two scenes from the original so perhaps I can put in a third one for the empty area.
Check first post for sketchfab.
Well done.
I'm looking forward to see this finished! Curios how it will turn out textured!
Anyway, here's the current state of it so far. As usual, sketchfab on first post.