Texture flats added (post 21)
I began this character for the Mixamo contest, but as I joined the challenge pretty late I ran out of time. So I thought I would take some more time to really polish it and make it portfolio material.
Here's the sculpt

Face close up

What the retopo currently looks like

Any critics are welcome, I'm even willing to go back to the sculpt if it's worth it

That massive black outline is killing it for me as well, I don't know if you were going for some Borderlands type style, if so I'd make the outline a bit thinner.
And I agree too about the folds around the crotch, thx!
I'm planing to use 2*2048 : one for the body and the other for the head and hair
i feel like the head is just that little slightly big
also IMO this would look better
The reason I chose a piece of cloth to hold the throwing knives is that I wanted to make it look like the character made in it a hurry with what she could find, to give this adventurer look.
On the other hand I am now a little too far in the character pipeline to made such small changes. I wish I had heard such ideas a little sooner but I really have to finish this character ^^
Here's what she looks like right now :
I've been just slapping flat colors to find a color scheme that I like. I'm quite satisfied with the torso and pants area. But I'm really not sure about the leather gloves and boots. Any suggestions?
Still have to add variations to the skin and chose a lighter color for the hair to draw the attention to her face.
The face is next!
And I agree with you about the boots and gloves. I'll make an alternative version with brown leather.
I'm having some problems rendering the hair planes with the Xoliul shader =/ So I'll bring this character into UDK to see what it really looks like.
Still working on a more dynamic pose for the beauty shot
So nice topology, and the knives in the leg.. nice detail. In general so detailed.
Any chance for some texture sheets?
Here are the flats :