Why do you have so many edge loops everywhere? Did you plan to do vertex paint or vertex blending? If not, get rid of all these edges and use the spared triangles to add more interesting props to your scene
SharpDressedSkull, you have to explain what this is, what you're planning to do with this, what is the concept, where is this going to end up, why you're doing this, etc, so we can help you when you don't have a lot of information in your first post.
What is this environment for? The Walking Dead? A first person shooter? An RTS? A Third Person Shooter? That will inform you a lot of things about what you need to do.
Workt owards that resolution and fidelity. Seriously, a good rule of thumb is to get a screenshot from that game, amd compare it to what you're doing. Is it the same quality and fidelity, or even better?
As well, make sure you tile your textures across models, and make modular meshes.
Thank you ^^ just one last thing ...because i'm new i really don't know all this (tile your textures across models,make modular meshes,vertex paint or vertex blending,use the spared triangles) this is what i really want to know.
And thank you for helping me out i really appreciate it
And i'm asking for advices about how to get started?what should i do?
there is a link to the concept art--> https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1082480_643259672360080_1368248869_n.jpg?oh=b221c5190a9ea9eff9d65e051ecb6f17&oe=51F6F0C9&__gda__=1375174109_b0ad41b8aa6b88e778682aa55e8b51b1
and thank you guys for helping me ^^
What is this environment for? The Walking Dead? A first person shooter? An RTS? A Third Person Shooter? That will inform you a lot of things about what you need to do.
So, what is this for?
As well, make sure you tile your textures across models, and make modular meshes.
And thank you for helping me out i really appreciate it