I know that this problem was discussed a lot but I still don't have good solution for it.
So the problem I have this time is with polygons transparency sorting while turning High Quality mode in viewport. Trasnsparency sorting just don't work.
I would like to see my textures with alpha channel and with all normal maps and specular map effect on it. But when transparency sorting don't work properly I have just one big mess in viewport. Using Viewport 2.0 for this won't work OR I just don't know how to set up it correctly.
Any help welcome. I will be gratefull for help.
Thanks and Cheers!
Maybe there's a custom shader out there that treats transparency better? I think this one handles it better:
Shader solutions only get worse from there due to their primitive methods of dealing with this, such as Cut/1Bit/AlphaTest, which creates jaggy edges around the the mask/transition zones between your Alpha mask the mesh it's sorting with.
If you're not doing anything complex, AlphaTest might be the solution, but it also might end up making it worse.
Thanks and Cheers!