Sup, polycount peoples - This is a guy of another guy of mine that I'm working on and ran into a bit of snag, and would greatly appreciate you guys help
The Snag - So this started out as just a test bust to work on problem areas i have, around the mouth and eyes, but i end up liking it - so i continued on with it, with hopes to go full head to toe model of my guy all the way thru the pipeline. I dynameshed the body to the head &neck, and thats when everything went to shit... :poly127: So now the topology is very off now, to the point where symmetry is off, and poseable symmetry is no long any help. I am working zbrush 4R4 and thought qremesher would dice... so then i kicked to a friend of mine who has the new zbrush to use Zremesher...nothing again... so i am for now stuck. Help? lol Thanks in advance, Crits are very welcomed along with troubleshooting


Geometry - Modify Topology - Mirror and Weld